Environmental Activists Glue Their Hands Together – IOTW Report

Environmental Activists Glue Their Hands Together

24 Comments on Environmental Activists Glue Their Hands Together

  1. Find the one that looks like they’d be very vocal when given pressure point manipulation and just barrel down on him/her. See how quick they can separate trying to escape the pain. Nice mandibular notch you have there, let’s jam the end of a pen in it and lift. I like the septum lift as well, can levitate a giant with that.

  2. Not too smart, that’s going to hurt no matter what.
    First off, superglue can be very dangerous.
    It can burn you while it’s going off. And having it splash in your eyes and nose is not fun. Ask me how I know.
    But have at it lefty’s.

  3. Why can’t they ever do something useful and environmentally friendly, like picking up garbage? None of these twats wants a solution they just like to complain.

  4. Why can’t they ever do something useful and environmentally friendly, like picking up garbage? None of these twats wants a solution they just like to complain. Not only that, superglue is pretty toxic!


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