Post Office Just Got Slower – IOTW Report

Post Office Just Got Slower


Mail delivery for many Americans will slow starting on Friday, part of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s blueprint for overhauling the U.S. Postal Service in order to slash costs. But critics say the slower delivery standards could cause problems such as late bill delivery while more broadly undermining the public’s faith in the USPS. 

Almost 4 of 10 pieces of first-class mail will see slower delivery, according to Paul Steidler, senior fellow at the Lexington Institute and an expert on the postal service. That “means mail delivery will be slower than in the 1970s,” he said, calling DeJoy’s plan “disastrous.” More

34 Comments on Post Office Just Got Slower

  1. “…not prepared for the change could incur late fees, for instance, if their checks don’t arrive on time.”

    Um, maybe not wait so long to pay the bill? Often times I have 10 or 15 days to pay the bill. If people can’t reconcile the bill in a couple of days and then put the check in the mail they may have bigger problems. Not trying to be harsh or mean. On the other hand, I’m not sure how taking 2 more days to deliver the mail will make much of a difference in saving money. I bet there are better ways to slash costs (like not rehiring ex-employees as consultants at top dollar – I read where that was commonplace, maybe not any more).

    It’s a fairly common business practice to work the “float” on receipts and payments (speed up receipts and slow down payments to keep as much money in the business’s accounts as possible for the longest time). Slowing delivery time means having to pay soon and waiting longer for receipts losing float on both side cash transactions. – Dr. Tar

  2. I don’t have a mailbox at my house, I can’t recall the last time I used a postage stamp. Junk mail made up a big part of mail revenue. Now with online banking, no need to get a check in the mail. Junk mail still shows up at my PO, it gets dumped into the PO garbage can.

  3. IF the USPS wanted to become affordable and efficient they should fire all politically correct and Affirmative Action slugs. A frind served 2 tours Viet Nam. Earned a Bachelors degree while working for the PO at night. Impeccable record. Never able to promote to higher position. Always beat out by non accomplished homos, or illiterate, unqualified black lesbian high school drop outs or worse.

  4. My mail first goes 225 miles east of me regardless whether it’s coming from the west or going to the west. That’s a 2 day delivery delay in it’s self

  5. Our Saturday mail came on Sunday last week. She was delivering mail until 9:00 pm Saturday and had to finish her routes on Sunday.

    Turns out nobody want to work part time for the post office so she’s covering 3 routes on the weekend.

  6. I had packages sit at the local PO for a week and a half with tracking info and labels I purchased that specifically said “2-day delivery.”

    I called the PO after a week and asked WTF. The dude said “We’re experiencing delays from COVID.”

    I said “I get that, but I’ve sent packages AFTER those from the same PO and they have already been delivered. Why aren’t these moving?”

    His boilerplate response again, “Covid.”

    I asked, “So this is normal. You don’t see anything wrong?”

    He said, “Nope, it’s all as it should be.”

    It took 2 weeks for those packages to get delivered. For something I bought that says 2-DAYS all over the labels.

    What if those packages contained something time sensitive like medication or live critters or whatever??

    Government work. smh.

  7. Maybe, and I’m just spitballin’ here, but if they hadn’t drastically, “progressively” lowered their hiring standards over the decades, in order to provide more “diversity” in the workforce, we might still have a decent Postal Service.

  8. how will I notice?

    seriously, mailed a check, via snailmail, to my sister to cover my portion for my mom’s Christmas present (new Iphone) … it finally arrived 2 1/2 months later! … from Merryland to NC
    … this was 3 years ago

    this year I’ve been getting no mail on about 3 out of 6 delivery days … I say deliveries on Monday, Friday for residential mail … I can live w/ that

  9. There should be no doubt that the hell-bound Joe Biden satanic cult is behind this just as he’s behind slow shipments of goods, food, and merchandise to bring ALL Americans to our knees. Add that the Postmaster General DeJoy was also behind the USPS voter postal ballot tampering and adulterating.


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