Politico Reporter Tattles On Gold Star Family Not Wearing Masks During Private Tour Of The Capitol – IOTW Report

Politico Reporter Tattles On Gold Star Family Not Wearing Masks During Private Tour Of The Capitol

[Heather] Caygle is feeling the heat for having taken to Twitter to shame the Gold Star family of Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole Gee, one of the 13 warriors killed in the August 26 suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan. You’ll remember Sergeant Gee:

What set Caygle off? Simply this: She saw some mask-free members of Gee’s family taking a Capitol tour hosted by their congressman, California Republican Tom McClintock. “Masks requirement in the House,” she scolded. “Tours not allowed. Yet here we are — group of 9, only 2 in masks.”

Never mind that in the picture Caygle posted, Statuary Hall appears to be empty but for the family and the congressman. More

10 Comments on Politico Reporter Tattles On Gold Star Family Not Wearing Masks During Private Tour Of The Capitol

  1. Little Miss Nazi. Just like a tattle-tale first grader.

    Their goal is to exert a dictatorship over free people. what we have now is a warm-up to that ultimate goal. They can’t handle freedom.

  2. Nazis and communists can’t get the majority of people to get one board with their plans without using the police and military power of the state. It’s pure political and military power that allows them to murder millions and gain control over every aspect of people’s lives.


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