Democrats and DC Insiders in Panic as Steve Bannon Fires Up Shock Troops at Private DC Gathering – IOTW Report

Democrats and DC Insiders in Panic as Steve Bannon Fires Up Shock Troops at Private DC Gathering

Station Gossip: Former Trump Campaign Manager and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon met with scores of Trump loyalists and political appointees this week at a private gathering at a DC social club. Hundreds of former Trump appointees and MAGA loyalists gathered to hear Steve’s plans for the next MAGA administration.

This has the radical left and DC elites, including Republican DC elites, in a panic.

Steve Bannon told The Gateway Pundit this about the DC meetup, “This is beyond Trump returning to the White House. This is about MAGA being ready to execute the plan when Trump returns.”

The War Room host added this on the current political climate, “The Uniparty is melting down over Moms taking over school boards; deplorables taking over election boards; everyday Americans becoming Precinct Committeemen – and now this – a vanguard of trained experts that can take over the administrative state.” read more

11 Comments on Democrats and DC Insiders in Panic as Steve Bannon Fires Up Shock Troops at Private DC Gathering

  1. “…a vanguard of trained experts that can take over the administrative state.”

    As in experienced citizens from all the professions? What a novel concept.

  2. If Trump does return to the White House, let’s hope that he doesn’t have any of the backstabbers like in his first administration AND cleans out the various departments of the deadweight (a.k.a. deep state).

  3. More likely than not the very first day I started posting here I went on the attack over the Republican establishment being a large part of the reason we are in the mess we are in as a country. I was more or less a lone wolf howling in the wilderness at that time. The problem was acknowledged, but minimized. Boy how the times they are a changing. The dirty motherfuckers are now recognized and appreciated for the menace they are. Their despicable behavior regarding President Trump exposed the filthy reprobates for what they have been for decades.

    Evidently the old saw, if you find your self in a hole and don’t know how to get out… stop digging, is totally lost on the stupid bastards.

  4. I hear ya DavidW but clearing out the backstabbers would mean eliminating the majority of Congress, the lobbyists, the staffers, much of the military leadership, the NGO’s, the whole lot of them.

    There’s far, far more than one bad apple that will spoil the bunch.

  5. It can’t happen soon enough.
    It has been 232 days since these dumba$$e$ took office and 403 before anything can be done.
    It doesn’t look good from the cheap seats.

  6. “This has the radical left and DC elites, including Republican DC elites, in a panic.”

    I never believe it when I read things like this. They have their collective foot on the throat of the electorate and they know it.

  7. Seems like anyone readying a plan for when our agenda will be voted back in is missing something…now what could it be…I know there’s a problem…with…election integrity!

    If TPTB pulled off the greatest fraud in our Nation’s history, right in our faces with the watcha gonnado ‘tude, just what in all that’s Holy gives you any fucking reason to think they’re not going do the same damn thing again???

    Voting HARDERER is not a plan.


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