Did you laugh? – IOTW Report

Did you laugh?

I didn’t quite laugh.

28 Comments on Did you laugh?

  1. The very first laughs were about people falling down. Pratfalls. I remember I once fell on the ice in a parking lot and slid halfway under the car from chest up still visible. Could not get myself up or out of the predicament. The HS boy I was dating was laughing so hard he couldn’t even compose himself enough to pull me out for like 5 minutes. Dropped him like a hot rock.

  2. When your lame carpentry skills are just for looks.

    The home owner might be sued by her. Don’t be having no fake hand railing !

    I know of a nice, sturdy, wrought-iron railing on the stairs and walkway of a second story rental. Maybe 4′ between the door and the rail. The dang rail is knee height!

    That one is just as dangerous as the fake/badly-installed ones are.

  3. You need to play Roly Poly by Bob Wills along with that short video. I couldn’t tell if that was a very corpulent man or a woman. Or play it on that terrible fake cable show on TLC (the lunkhead channel, the losers channel) with the 600 pounds or fatter people who parade around in their extremely overweight morbidity and expect us to believe that being extremely fat is somehow beautiful.

  4. geoff – I never did understand the popularity of any of those shows! There is an ever-growing mindless segment of the population that watches this stuff, answers spam calls and votes democrat!!

  5. Yeah, I used to find stuff like that funny, a long time ago.

    Then getting involved in the reality of the consequences made me stop laughing.

    Many years ago, we were returning to the House from the hospital in our ambulance when the County told us they had another run for us. This was all radio dispatch at the time, so we my right seat got a pen and told them to go ahead. The dispatcher, being weirdly snickery, gave us the address for an “Unknown Injured” received via Medic Alert. Put us in route, we said, so we got going as they toned out the run to make it official and alert the rest of the Department as to what we were doing, and after the tones dropped he said, “2D91 (not my actual Agency), 2D91, en route to a woman who’s fallen and can’t get up”

    It was clearly a reference to what was a relatvely new at the time, but VERY well known, commercial for a particular medic alert service. You older folks may remember i6, it’s still their catch phrase, but Dispatch seemed to find that fact and phrasing risible.

    Here’s the commercial, the phrase around 0:20.


    Hyuk hyuk.

    I ain’t gonna lie. I looked at my partner and we did crack up a bit. A woman who’s fallen and can’t get up. Pretty fucking funny, right?

    Sure it is. When you’re young and stupid and don’t have problems like that.

    It was less funny when we got there and had to break in because it was an old woman who lived in an apartment alone who we could barely hear weakly sobbing for help not far inside.

    And when we saw her stretched out on the floor with one leg at a bizarre angle and streched out relative to the other leg because her femoral head had broken completely off at the hip, dumping her agonized body to the floor immediately, but she still had to crawl to where her life call button was because she wasn’t wearing it (pre-cell phone days, kids), causing her flesh to stretch and redden as her now no longer attached by bone leg rotated its jagged neck into muscle, vein, and nerves causing her to shit herself in agony, we were pretty much done laughing at that point.

    So we put her in MAST to stabilize and give us a means of shock control, collar, backboard, Bashaw, fluids and Morphine (it was pre-opioid freakout so it was still protocol to give painkillers to people who NEEDED them), o2, and off to the hospital we went, and gee wasn’t THAT a pleasant ride for her!

    Far as I know she lived. We delivered her alive to the hospital at any rate. I did not usually follow patient outcomes for reasons I’ve stated elsewhere, though, so I don’t know if they were able to fix it. No one sued us, so I guess our bit was OK. But it definitely put a new light on those alert devices as I have no doubt she would have died in horrible agony after a long time because she was too weak to scream any more. Not funny AT ALL after that.

    So yeah, that took a lot of the humor out of pratfalls and funny videos nowadays for me. I know what kinds of injuries can happen, even from something as relatively innocuous looking as this. I’ve seen too many people in pain, even my own mother-in-law in my house a month ago who was rolling around on the floor and we ultimately found out she broke her neck, to find pain “funny”


    And I probably will go to hell.

    But at least not for that particular reason…

  6. I have a morbidly obese sister (300? – she refuses to say) and years ago she came over to pick blackberries and apples. Well, she wandered onto the neighbors property without realizing there was a pretty deep drainage ditch that had been dug years earlier and was now grown over.

    I’m doing yard work and I hear her faint call for help. Upon finding her sitting (if that’s the right word) in this bramble-invested, morbidly obese sister killer of a ditch, I emitted a one-burst laugh. You know the kind, one induced by surprise and amusement. Whoa, wrong thing to do, brother!

    “Whah happened?”
    “Don’t just stand there, HELP ME!”
    I’m standing there.
    And I must be smiling.

    At this point, if looks could kill, her rescuer would already be dead. Like it was MY fault she fell into the ditch. But getting her out of it was on the edge of impossible with her mass and lack of strength. Her at 300, me at 180. I finally found a way to brace myself and pull on both her arms while she pushed with her legs. Out she came.

    “You realize that if you fell down, alone, you couldn’t get up.”
    “Oh, I can, trust me.”
    “Then show me, right now!”
    “No. Not doing it.”
    “You’re a liability.”

    Oh, and one final note. She voted for Hillary Clinton. Need I say more?

  7. If these people want to commit slow mo suicide by fork and lack of movement that’s up to them. The problem I have with it is every single one of them is on some sort of Government Assistance Program so they always vote for more free shit. And FYI there’s plenty of white ones out there too.

  8. Food, immediate gratification. Getting HUGE, becomes sedentary. Get’s even bigger and now the addition is finalized into the downward cycle.

    Until some doc says gastric bypass or you’re dead. Then maybe on to a recovery, but still very unlikely. Most die before the help might be accepted.


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