Thoughts – IOTW Report


22 Comments on Thoughts

  1. True, DavidW, flirting is not an option for us guys, but a smile and a joke goes a long way. Especially if you have a clean record when they look you up. I’ve gotten more warnings than tickets in the last twenty years, and not many of either.

  2. Love it. I would much rather see a bullshit artist who has finely honed her craft than a screeching harpy displaying her mental illness.
    Way to go ma’am.

  3. I do not get pulled over frequently, but the last time I was the officer asked me if I always smiled and waved at police. I said: pretty much. Told me to watch my speeding and have a good day.

    I smile and wave to military personnel too. They are mostly pretty decent folks and put up with a lot of shit

  4. At least a hundred thousands miles and never once pulled over for a moving violation, and fewer than five parking tickets.

    I HATE giving money to the gov’t.

    (Believe me when I say any automobile performs best at about 80 mph on the open highway.)

  5. It doesn’t cost you a damn thing to treat others well. I have taken a few of my neighbors to the woodshed after they bitch about City workers, particularly the street maintenance crews. They are working for an asshole who has made a career out of stripping their budgets in an effort to cozy up to Council members who wanted to get their hands on those revenues to piss down one rat hole after another. The police the same, by a wide margin they impress me as good and decent folks and I treat them as such.

    When I got pulled over I was doing 55 in a 35 MPH, but it is on a stretch of that road that you can see a half mile in every direction and it was 05:00 and no one else there. It was a Saturday morning in an area that is industrial and the cop was sitting in a parking lot filing a report when I went past him.

    He said he recognized my truck and that he remembers seeing me wave at him and wondered if I knew him personally. I don’t know him, I just always wave at the cops. One of the ones who is assigned to our neighborhood stopped by to chat last summer when I was working on my kids’ pumpkin patch and said the same thing.

  6. JD, on that note I left the titty bar after consuming way to much alcohol at a bachelor party on the way back to our hotel with 3 passengers. About a mile out from the hotel a car pulls behind me with bright lights on following closely. I held up my middle finger prominently towards the back window, gleaming in the bright light. Cherrys flip on, it was a cop. Oh shit, I was wasted. He takes my license, goes back to his car, I’m freaking out, everyone in the car is freaking out. Cop comes back asks where we’re going and what we were doing, I came clean told him about the titty bar, wedding tomorrow, and the hotel a mile out. He throws my license back at me and said, “Your friend almost got you a DUI,” thinking it was a passenger who flipped him off. He followed us back to the hotel and turns off at the entrance. I should have been absolutely fucked, don’t know how I weaseled my way out of that one.

  7. She reminds me of the black lady that stopped me in a store and a while back and went on and on about how blue my eyes were. She said she wanted to take me home. I politely declined with a smile on my face.


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