Stand United As Men and Women Of Faith to Fight For America! – IOTW Report

Stand United As Men and Women Of Faith to Fight For America!

The comments on this video on Twitter are almost all negative. Many comments are ragging on his statement that “leaders such as Daniel, David, and Esther … upheld Christian principles”. They are claiming that he is an idiot because these leaders were in the Old Testament before Christ was born. Good grief, so he should have said “Godly” instead of “Christian”. So what? The intent was correct.

Oh, then they are making statements like, “You took an oath to keep the Separation of Church and State”, blah blah blah, or “Freedom FROM Religion”. The thing is…there is no such thing as “Separation of Church and State” or ‘Freedom FROM Religion” in the US Constitution.

These are all bots and trolls reading off a script. Disgusting.

But enjoy the video. I say, “Amen!”

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

7 Comments on Stand United As Men and Women Of Faith to Fight For America!

  1. Well …David, Danial, Isaiah, Ezekiel et al, did cleave to Christian principles; God’s requirements are in fact Christian, as Jesus is God. The Word become flesh; the Alpha and Omega; the Great I AM; The Creator of the universe and everything in it. Too, the pre-incarnate Christ is all over the OT from start to finish. The only people who were saved in the OT were saved by Grace, through Faith, not by the Law.

    So yeah, Christian. Oh, and every knee shall bow …

  2. It’s taken me the better part of my adult life and significant diligence to understand anything that is deeper than John 3:16 in the Bible. Same thing for U.S. History, searching and reading primary sources. And yet the ignoramouses on Twitter who know nothing much about either hold forth in the most arrogant screeds.

    Some things will never change: Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth (or reply on Twitter) and remove all doubt.

  3. Looking at the replies to his tweet it’s clear that he struck a nerve with the anti-Christ crowd. They show their own ignorance and lack of humanity by spewing vitriol at Cawthorn and Christians in general over a simple video that rightly cites Christianity as the foundation of the idea of America.


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