Oregon Must Defend Businesses and Farmers From The Chinese Communist Party – IOTW Report

Oregon Must Defend Businesses and Farmers From The Chinese Communist Party

Oregon Catalyst

By Alex Titus

Economic tensions between the U.S. and China show no signs of slowing down. Recent news articles indicate that President Biden is considering a new trade probe to better understand unfair subsidies that Beijing uses to prop up its state-backed companies. The ongoing trade war puts Oregon exporters in a precarious position and makes them easy punching bags for Beijing like in recent years.

China remains Oregon’s largest export partner and that spells trouble ahead.  Unlike the last round of trade spats, Oregon political leaders can’t be caught flat-footed. Now more than ever, our political leaders must prepare and be ready to defend Oregon’s farmers and businesses from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The U.S.-China conflict is only set to escalate as China rises on the world stage. China’s rise is due to the disastrous “Washington Consensus” which allowed Beijing to become economically powerful while doing little to change its wicked governmental system.

The CCP went largely unchallenged even as it stripped away Hong Kong’s freedoms, harvested organs from dissident groups like the Falun Gong, and committed genocide against Uyghur Muslims. Under President Xi, the CCP is seeking a “great rejuvenation” to match the power of past Chinese empires and continuously exploring new ways to challenge American hegemony.

Thankfully, China’s unchallenged rise was put to an abrupt halt in 2016 with the historic election of President Donald J. Trump. Upon coming into office, Trump threw out the “Washington Consensus” and immediately went on the offensive with his “America First” economic agenda. more

Freedom Built America says Rep. Breese-Iverson.

4 Comments on Oregon Must Defend Businesses and Farmers From The Chinese Communist Party

  1. Wishful thinking. OR’s state gov will fold like wet kleenex. The Democratic Party controls the offices of governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and both chambers of the state legislature.

    Just like CA.

  2. FTA: Thankfully, China’s unchallenged rise was put to an abrupt halt in 2016 with the historic election of President Donald J. Trump. Upon coming into office, Trump threw out the “Washington Consensus” and immediately went on the offensive with his “America First” economic agenda.

    Aaaaaaaannnnd that’s why China had to go for broke to enable the democRATz to steal the Presidential election (while blaming it all on Russia) as well as the House and the Senate. It wouldn’t have done any good to just corrupt one! It had to be all three in order to destroy America which we are all witnessing right now!
    Fuck China
    Fuck Joe Biden
    And Fuck the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!

  3. “President Biden is considering a new trade probe to better understand unfair subsidies that Beijing uses to prop up its state-backed companies.”

    Now THAT is the funniest thing I’ve read all week!


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