Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist? – IOTW Report

Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist?

Jon Rappoport NoMoreFakeNews.com

I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those employees.

I can’t find the EO. I don’t see it in the Federal Register, where it’s supposed to be published. (Note: the following two Biden EOs only cover Federal employees and Federal contractors.)

If it hasn’t been published, then there is no mandate.

If there is no mandate yet, then obviously, none of the companies are under any obligation to enforce it.

OSHA is apparently the federal agency responsible for framing a set of regulations for the mandate, including fines. But federal agencies only construct regulations after a law has been passed or an EO is issued.

If I’m correct, and no EO has been published, we have an odd situation, to say the least.

Governors and lawyers have been threatening to sue, because the EO is unconstitutional and overrides state powers. But if there is no Presidential EO, then all these legal cases would be meaningless, because, again, there is no official mandate.

Is the White House stalling? Do they realize the EO and the mandate will be overturned in court? Are they hoping to achieve corporate compliance without an official mandate? more

24 Comments on Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist?

  1. They never care if their shit’s legal or not. They just do it and assume you can’t afford to fight against teams of lawyers paid for by YOU who have unlimited funds provided by YOU in their rigged Courts.

    And they are usually right.

  2. “If I’m correct, and no EO has been published, we have an odd situation, to say the least.”

    The whole Brandon Presidency is an odd situation. I think they’ve this far ignored every law, rule and protocol which has stood in their way, and I don’t expect that to change.

  3. What is this MANDATE (limp wrist) CRAP? This is nothing more than Tyranny on a stick.

    Since when does one government “official” make the laws with a pen and a phone? This is BS!

    OBiden has been hangin’ around commies too long!

    F**k Joe O’Biden!

  4. So odd issuing a non-directive, and yet it probably made some people throw up their hands and say “I guess that is it…I better get the vaccine”. Oops. Running a federal initiative through deception – how clever. I wouldn’t expect anything else from FJB.

  5. Bear with me on this one…

    For the sake of arguing this one let’s pretend there was an executive order some weeks ago already (9/9/2021). Was it not OSHA that was supposed to enforce it (as an emergency order)? Can anyone show me ONE SYLLABLE of direction or requirements as promulgated by the agency for direction to the companies affected? Am I just not looking in the right places? Are they for the first time going to just let all companies enforce their edicts as they see fit?


    Or is this like the executive order on foreclosures and evictions that they knew was bullshit and unconstitutional, but by the time it made through the court system accomplished what they wanted. This time not even fabricating the rules to what they know will not stand.

    Still creates a money making industry to prepare for WHAT MIGHT BE REQUIRED.

    And once again the two questions.

    How many people do you personally know that died of Covid?
    (Not other mitigating conditions)
    How many people do you personally know that died from the jab?
    (No other plausible explanation)

    The second number seems to be growing and eliminating those that are troublesome to them for any number of reasons.

    Tin foil hats for sale at the stand in front of my house.

    After purchasing your hats you will be able to extrapolate many other theories going forward!

  6. This is all BS. I know no one who has gotten Covid-19 and now after we find out the tests are screwed up, how would anyone prove they had “Covid-19” if it is even out there? I don’t think the Dr.s even know. God gave us a brain and most likely thought we might find a use for it.

  7. Here’s the deal with the county. You get paid time off for getting the vax. If you do not get the vax you are subjected to weekly testing and you do not get paid time off.

    Coerce much, nazis?

    I’m about done.

  8. The .gov threatens XYZ Corp. Mandate your peeps get the jab or we start an investigation into your business practices with an electron microscope up your asses run by every alphabet agency at our disposal. We’ll take away those carve outs we orchestrated through the IRS for your company too. It’s not worded that way, its wording is perfectly legal. The actions perfectly legal.

    XYZ Corp is run by a bunch of progressives that were salivating in anticipation of the nudge anyway. Now they can get rid of those legacy conservatives and the closet conservatives that slipped through H.R over the years. They’ll be wholly and totally woke from the CEO right down to the lowest paid contractor. (Not employee, because you have to provide them bennies, but I digress.)

    The .gov promises they’ve got their backs should there be any fallout and the proggies running XYZ Corp are too “sophisticated” to realize they are being played.

    Executive Order? It don’t take no stinkin’ EO. Everything needed is in place.

  9. Can you make a share button for telegram? I would love to share the majority of your stories there. I may not comment much, but I come to your site to catch the latest news at least six times a day.

  10. I’ve personally seen 3 people die within 24 hours of getting the shot.

    I’ve seen people die after testing positive with COVID, BUT it’s the same test that has been deemed bullshit. The people I work with are on deaths door and can be taken out by a common head cold, which will also pop positive on a COVID swab.

    I’ve dealt with a few families personally but several requests have come through my hospice office requesting that Mom/Dad/Grammy/Grampy’s death certificate be amended so that cause of death is COVID instead of heart failure/glioblastima/metastatic lung cancer. 5 hours of paperwork so that family can cash in on that sweet funeral expenses Bennie.

    I’m finding the current flu season interesting. COVID fatigue in the ranks is real. Last year the measures taken to isolate infected patients were out of a movie. Now people walk freely in and out and maybe use Purell.

    The zero 4u@&$ given is real, and part of why people are walking away for more money. The caring nurturing nature of our nation’s caregivers has been shit on so long and so hard, this was the piece de resistance.

  11. The thing is as non-existent as Biden himself who’s nothing more than a wooden board with a disembodied voice–if anyone can understand him at all. For the vile Biden admin to publicly post it translates to it going down in history and then re-posted for all to see and know in future goings-on. Even if it was an EO it can be doctored/edited/redacted/adulterated by the dem conspirators so displaying it publicly would not serve their purpose since it can be compared to an original and general public posting. Nothing but threats and intimidation tactics by the grasping dems and faked-out compromised ‘health officials’.


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