US Marshals seek help in identifying Dodgers fan who resembles 23-year fugitive – IOTW Report

US Marshals seek help in identifying Dodgers fan who resembles 23-year fugitive

NYP: The feds are seeking the public’s help in identifying an LA Dodgers fan seen on camera during a 2016 game because he resembles the Brooklyn computer salesman who vanished in 1998 before he was to start serving a 17-year prison sentence for swindling banks out of $353 million.

The US Marshals have labeled John Ruffo one of their 15 most wanted fugitives — and his long manhunt is the subject of the second season of the ABC News podcast, “Have You Seen This Man.” more

22 Comments on US Marshals seek help in identifying Dodgers fan who resembles 23-year fugitive

  1. and I’m thinking they’re using facial recognition software to scan crowds. They probably weren’t specifically looking for him- they’re looking at everyone. Sort of what they’re doing with the searchwords thing and google. Dragnet 2021.

  2. A little putty, a small prostheses, should be able to defeat an AI facial recognition.

  3. I stepped off an overseas flight in Houston back in 2008. When I was going through customs, the customs guy started acting strange. In about one minute, two armed guards walked up behind me and I was told to march down the corridor and into a large room. In the middle of the room was a small square. I was told to stand in the square as the goons with guns stood between me and the only door. A guy showed up after a couple of minutes and called me over to the counter he was behind. He had a shitty smirk on his face as said he was very glad to meet me, finally. I said it was good to meet him and asked his name. He declined to give it to me. He had my passport in his hand and asked if I had any other photo ID. I offered up my drivers license and asked if he wanted my concealed handgun license. He changed his facial expression when I said that. He took my CHL and started to tap away frantically at the computer. I asked him what was going on because I knew damn well I wasn’t whoever they were looking for. Eventually, he realized that and I asked what the deal was. Seems they were looking for a federal fugitive with my exact full name and date of birth. I told him if he kept looking that he see that I had a cleaner record than he did, or anyone else in that room. He agreed as that was what he was seeing. He allowed me to go and I wished them luck finding the perp.

  4. I thought the WH had them busy protecting the vac delivery trucks. They must have got bored out of those skulls.
    I also read the Marshalls were one of the last agencies without major corruption. Which is maybe why they got put on chasing the trucks?

  5. Doppelgängers are ubiquitous.

    I was in Wall SD, stopping for gas when a guy walked up and greeted me: “Hey, Jim! What brings you out this way?” I looked at him. He looked at me. Then he said “You look just like my neighbor, Jim” Hectook my picture to show Jim back home.

    We had two branch managers at different locations in the company who were often mistaken for each other. They could have been twins, except for having two completely unrelated sets of parents.

  6. I wouldn’t help a Fed find a bathroom at this point.

    The entire Federal government has been purged and politicized at this point.

    If they are looking for someone, it’s for political persecution.

    They simply don’t do anything else.

  7. We all have doppelgangers out there somewhere. I’ve been mistaken for someone else several times and seen pictures at least three times of people who looked exactly like me.

  8. Just a couple of things here to think about. One, why should I give two fucks about helping a federal government that has labeled me a terrorist because I disagree with their political ideology?
    Two. It should bother you immensely that big brother has the capacity to use facial recognition programs at a baseball game with thousands of fans and pull out one individual that they’re looking for, this is horrifying.

  9. @Hambone: Same thing happened to DH when going through TSA. He was asked if he ever lived in Texas. We have a name similar to the Smith family, etc. Millions of people with the same name as DH.

  10. Not me
    OCTOBER 7, 2021 AT 8:35 AM
    “We all have doppelgangers out there somewhere. I’ve been mistaken for someone else several times and seen pictures at least three times of people who looked exactly like me.”

    I frequently get mistaken for someone who gives a shit.

    I’m not.

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