Merrick Garland: The George Wallace of the 21st Century – IOTW Report

Merrick Garland: The George Wallace of the 21st Century

Patriot Retort: Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Department of Justice and the FBI would begin investigating parents for the crime of demanding local school boards be held accountable.

See, a while ago, some organization called the National School Boards Association demanded that the Biden administration classify parents as “domestic terrorists” for having the temerity to show up at school board meetings to protest school districts imposing radical Left indoctrination on their children.

And, because it serves his agenda of classifying political opposition as domestic terrorists, Merrick Garland has happily signed on to this ridiculous plan.

In a memo to the DOJ and FBI, Garland claimed that “in recent months” there’s been a “disturbing spike” in violence or threats of violence against school boards and administrators. Of course, Merrick Garland doesn’t cite any specific examples of this so-called “disturbing spike.”

The only spike that concerns Merrick is the spike in the number of parents who are fighting back over the kind of shitty, inappropriate garbage their children are being exposed to in the guise of “education.” MORE

18 Comments on Merrick Garland: The George Wallace of the 21st Century

  1. “Moderate” Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court Justice Nominee who never got the opportunity to wreck the country as a moderate member of the Supremely Gutless Court.

  2. The thing is, it’s not the parents or conservatives who are doing the threatening.
    We have a former politician and a current state politician threatening a school board candidate because he is against CRT.
    If it were the other way around those 2 would have the guy arrested.

    The goal of the current puppet masters is to move America to a Rome type of fall and bring us down to the level of other countries. Make everyone equally miserable.

    We all have to fight back.
    Just writing emails and sending them to politicians and everyone is a big help. It only takes a few minutes.
    Phone calls.
    Show up to meetings. Even if your kids are long gone from school.
    Call out the City Councils.
    It may not change things quickly and they may ignore you, like Susan Collins does me and lots of others in Maine, but they know they aren’t fooling everyone.


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