I Guess Biden Has Given Up On Covid – IOTW Report

I Guess Biden Has Given Up On Covid

HT/ C. Steven Tucker

13 Comments on I Guess Biden Has Given Up On Covid

  1. For the first time since the start of the “pandemic”, someone I actually knew died of COVID-19, according to his family. He was a fellow programmer and a super nice guy, 53 years old.

    But here is the list of his comorbidities:

    – A lifetime of morbid obesity with the exception of a two years in the Marines, which discharged him because he got fat again and couldn’t pass the PT requirements.

    – Diabetes

    – Hypertension

    – Heavy drinker and smoker

    – Almost assuredly had cardiovascular, liver, and lung issues.

    In short, he was typical of the kind of person under threat by any flu bug or pneumonia.

  2. But it’s different when Joe does it. It’s all stupid science deniers dying from it now. The nurses used to cry, now they don’t. It’s much easier when the jabbed actively wish you dead, if you die now it’s your fault.

    that’s the narrative now, no?

  3. One of my fellow co drivers just tested positive for COVID. We’re already shorthanded and it looks like I will be getting a lot of extra hours and overtime in the next few weeks. Oh well, I can use the money but I could also use my supposedly regularly scheduled days off. It’s hard for my boss to hire anyone to work for us right now, especially someone who has good work ethics and is willing to work hard and stick to it so the rest of us aren’t constantly picking up the slack. Since I am the senior driver, I’m also the designated duty driver on call at all times to work no matter what.

  4. They died from the satanic hospital protocols. And the jabs. No “covid” has been proven to exist. The pcr test is as bogus as the rest of this bs. If Kary Mullis hadn’t died when he did, he would have made a huge stink about using his invention for diagnosing disease. He had that mass murdering little gnome’s number decades ago.

  5. Yes, the demented pedophile promised us a plan….

    Willie Brown’s cock holster was going to solve the border crisis…

    And more people died trying to get natural immunity…

    Funny thing about Covid, obesity and diabetes..

    None of 14 people I know that died from or because of covid were obese or diabetic..

    Five of them weren’t even 60 yet..

    The most recent was a marathon runner..

  6. Too bad the simpleton Biden has never worked an honest day in his miserable life to stay on the right side of the grass. His only ‘motivation’ is his toxic poisonous grudge against PresT and maga supporters. Laughable that the wooden piece of shyyyt Biden claims that ’81 million people voted for him’. LOL laughable stuff.

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