Terry McAuliffe’s stooges call cops on polite protesters – IOTW Report

Terry McAuliffe’s stooges call cops on polite protesters

American Thinker:
By Nicholas Kalis

Terry McAuliffe got a loud and clear message from some Virginia parents.

Americans have an inherent right to peaceful protest and that’s what a group of parents in Virginia did when they heard that Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe was coming to town. Someone (possibly in McAuliffe’s campaign) responded by calling the police. Why? Was this to create a narrative that parents need FBI oversight, as the Department of Justice has promised to provide? more

5 Comments on Terry McAuliffe’s stooges call cops on polite protesters

  1. So, roll with it. “Terry McAuliffe does not believe in the peoples constitutional right to assemble to address their government for grievances.”

    Dude do not allow the mainstream media to set the narrative. Fight back with your own narrative, because it’s the truth.

  2. To the people of Virginia, you elected this buffoon once. You have heard his message, you know what he really is & what he will do if re-elected. If you are dumb enough to give him another shot at destroying your state, go ahead. Just don’t bitch & moan about “this is not what we voted for” when it starts to go south very fast. Like you did with the husk, because that IS what you voted for.


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