In 2019 Fauci Said MRNA Technology Was Not Safe Enough To Foist On Public- A Decade Was Needed To Confirm Its Safety – IOTW Report

In 2019 Fauci Said MRNA Technology Was Not Safe Enough To Foist On Public- A Decade Was Needed To Confirm Its Safety

20 Comments on In 2019 Fauci Said MRNA Technology Was Not Safe Enough To Foist On Public- A Decade Was Needed To Confirm Its Safety

  1. Fauci practices the science of keeping himself on the airwaves. If CNN came out tomorrow and said masks don’t work, Fauci would be front and center, “I’ve always said they don’t work.”

  2. And they knew this from 20 years of research never making it to human trials because the animal trials always failed. Note too all the new mRNA vaccines rushing to market. Also notice that no emerging drugs are planning on formal approval, they are all looking for EA for liability protection. They just revamped the entire shoddy approval process to one that is likely just an open pay to play process.

  3. Still say The Kung Fu Flu has been around alot longer than this pipsqueak douchebag let on.

    They’ve been planning this all along, ever since the rightful President DJT won back in 2016.

  4. The plan was was conceived before DJT. Trump wasn’t supposed to win in the first place. The cheat was in for Kilary, but Trump blew it up. They couldn’t cheat fast enough to get Kilary elected. Kilary couldn’t call for a recall because it would have shown the cheat.
    Election 2020, DJT blew the algorithm again, that’s why the polls shut down.
    The MSM, Hollywood, politicians all did their best to bash Trump for 4 years, and he still built the best economy.
    4 minutes

  5. Suddenly Fauci’s an expert?

    What’s the daily delusion now?

    Mark of the beast?


    We’re all going to be dead in 3-10 years?

    More vaccinated in the hospitals?

  6. Well, let the not-man-made-in-Wuhan gang and death jab totalitarians go there to prepare the evidence that this came out of a bat’s butt. Give them a week or two. Plan an on site press conference for them to roll it out.

    Then nuke the site.

  7. ya the little ugly toad was against the thing until he and the rest of the serial killers saw the staggering wealth they could amass. Enter their carefully contrived ChiCom scheme orchestrated by the none other than the chicoms, elite globalists and despots, Fake Fauci, pedos Gates and Biden, and their assorted democrat/RINO accomplices in this long con. Add that the world’s citizenry are finally wising up to the scam.

  8. Please don’t get me wrong. I am not a pro-covid vaccine or a crazy left nut job. The title says Fauci said the MRNA tech requires decades of time to know it is safe to use. However, listening to the conversation, there is no mention of that. I believe Fauci was referring to the traditional vaccine approval process that takes decades. I don’t see anywhere that Fauci by verbatim said such thing. Am I wrong? Was I supposed to read between the lines, meaning by inference? Thanks for being nice.

  9. No.
    They mentioned “egg use” as a way of referencing what was done in past. The conversation is about transitioning from that technology to a new one. The new technology is MRNA. He says to move to a new technology it requires Pahse 1 , Phase 2, etc. clinical trials, and “we are a “decade out.”
    That would put new technology at 2029 (he said this in 2019.)
    He doesn’t say, “we are a year out, having done 9 years of research on MRNA, the newest technology.”

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