Watch: Student Savagely Beats Wheelchair Bound Teacher – IOTW Report

Watch: Student Savagely Beats Wheelchair Bound Teacher

31 Comments on Watch: Student Savagely Beats Wheelchair Bound Teacher

  1. We used to live in south Cov. Glad to GTFO of there 3 yrs ago. That town seems to be raising batches of feral “youths”. Just two years ago a young male weed-dealer murdered a 25 year veteran LEO from Mandeville during a routine traffic stop.

    After Katrina, the entire Northshore region of Lake Pontchartrain has seen all sorts of pond-scum ooze north from the Southshore shit holes of NOLA, Kenner, Metairie and Chalmette. My bet is her family is originally from the 9th Ward or Irish Channel.

  2. Many people may mistake this for the North American Porch Ape (NAPA) with its hair-trigger violence and lack of intellect, but the North American Sheboon is even MORE volitile and less restrained in its completely unpredictable behavior, with violence erupting without any warning whatsoever. They differ in that they cannot be mollified with gifts of money or expressions of subservience, but will attack without provocation based on appearance alone, and continue to do so until the victim either manages to extract themselves from the situation or becomes unconscious.

    This subspecies is always female, and if you note the vacant expression on this specimen, that is a hallmark of this breed. Do not rely on its expression or demeanor for warning, it constanly feels challenged for due to its complete lack of any higher brain function, and so it does not change expression before lashing out as it is constantly on the defensive. Its natural habitat is in hivelike communities in which calming drugs and a constant stream of NAPA sex partners are available to keep in in a state of perpetual pregnancy, but Democrats bulldozed most of their natural habitats to build condos for themselves on that land forcibly dispersed the population with busses and vouchers into more civilized areas, bringing it constantly into contact with people it feels inferior to due to its lack of education and vicious upbringing, which sets it up to be perpetually ready to defend itself from any intellectual challenge with force, which is the only thing it understands.

    Do not approach them or let them approach you. Keep in mind that they are Federally protected in the United States and Canada, so you are not permitted to defend yourself from them. Due to their natural habitat and their tendency to hunt in packs, the best advice I can give you is to leave any area they have visibly colonized, for they ALWAYS travel in groups and ALWAYS breed quickly wherever established, and their presence ALWAYS draws NAPAs to the area as breeding partners as well.

  3. I’m investigating.

    The teacher.

    I’m sure she violated the Civil Rights of this poor Black child.

    By having the audacity to be White.

    Very offensive.

    My wife will be happy to sell you materials explaining this.


  4. They want segregation so bad I say give it to them. Along with their own monetary system, police force and education system. See how long that lasts before they’re crying for help. They are, after all, the eternal victims.

  5. That asshole student thought because the teacher was in a wheelchair that she was on Wheel Of Fortune.

    “uhh, what the fuck is a vowel? An ‘F’ is a consonant?? Bitch, I’ll slap you upside your head!”

  6. TheMule
    OCTOBER 8, 2021 AT 10:35 AM

    “They think fracturing the eye sockets of helpless white people is fucking hilarious…”

    I had my eye socket broken by a Black guy once.

    It was during a Tae Kwon Do training though.

    He was, like a 4th Dan and I was a yellow belt, in my dojang that was one up from white, so I didn’t know crap.

    He TOLD me he was going for the head in a crecent, but that kick is DESIGNED to not be easy to see, and I had no real experience anyway, so I caught his heel with my lower orbit.

    I didn’t really know I had damage other than a black eye, so I sat down for awhile and went home, didn’t think more of it until I blew my nose and my forehead inflated.

    Off to the Urgent Care I go.

    Made that doc’s day. He never saw crap like that and told me so. Took fancy pictures but at the end of the day said it was not bad enough to do anything surgically with and he couldn’t splint my face, so go home and heal, and don’t blow your nose.


    But not as fun as telling my insurance company repeatedly why there was no police report if I got kicked in the face, and why they couldn’t go after my dojang because I’d signed a release.

    It wasn’t fun, but it healed.

    Probably a LOT harder to heal when you’re a 64 year old woman tho.

    And unlike ME, she wasn’t there for the purpose of having her ass kicked so she could learn how to NOT have her ass kicked LATER, but ALL of Life is a lesson and I bet she’s a BIT more posessive of her personal space going forwards, and there’s a LOT you can hide in a wheelchair, just sayin’***


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