I’m Starting To Like Rap – Rant is Spot On – IOTW Report

I’m Starting To Like Rap – Rant is Spot On

11 Comments on I’m Starting To Like Rap – Rant is Spot On

  1. Around 12 years ago I pull into the local gas station to fill up the Thunder Bolt Grease Slapper and in pulls this little piece of shit car with 118 pounds of black attitude driving it, cranks the base up, while playing rapcrap and heads passed me towards the office. Well I stopped him and told him, Go turn that shit down asshole, nobody here wants to hear that shit. His immediate reply, fuck off. Oh really, so I close the distance and explain I’m gonna rip off his arms and beat him to death with them. He finally saw my point of view. What I didn’t know was an attorney I had used in a couple business deals was filling up at the same time. Next day I got a phone call from him explaining that according to Cali law I could be charged with assault from that interaction and that I should cool my jets. Like I say, that was 12 years ago. Things have only gotten worse.

  2. My son sends me this guys stuff. I like it. Like I said before, this is what is reaching the younger generation. Donโ€™t have to like it, but when you find a guy or two hitting all the right notes, so to speak, pass it along ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Not a fan of the rap but I’ve been listening to this kid and sharing with my youngest.

    Peace out!

  4. Rap “music” is the bane of society. Did you realize that there is only 1 rap song and the play it backwards, sideways, fast, slow, mixed just to get different songs out of it? The lazy bas tards just didn’t have it in ’em to write anymore so we’re stuck with just the one.

  5. This guy is good. Not a rap fan, but I could listen to this, mainly because of the message. He gets extra credit for the awesome mullet. I used to have one in 1989-1990. Glad to see they are coming back.


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