Un-elected Ghoul Says Trick or Treat is on – IOTW Report

Un-elected Ghoul Says Trick or Treat is on

You know…for NOW.

BPR: Children across the land can now rejoice, Fauci has granted his approval of Halloween trick-or-treating.
America’s coronavirus prince of darkness, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has approved the celebration of Halloween this year, not that anybody had been seeking his approval. Unfortunately, that was the only good news he had to offer when he appeared Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” to speak with host Dana Bash. more

19 Comments on Un-elected Ghoul Says Trick or Treat is on

  1. He approved of it. Isn’t that fucking special?

    I’m with Emitt Rhodes, and Dave Mason… if you don’t like my music you can fuck off.

  2. Who the hell does the smarmy little cocksucker think he is to tell my kids they can or can’t go trick or treat, King Tut?

    In 2020 I loaded up my kids in our truck and took them to Silverwood in late May and we had a damn good time. From there we went to Kalispell, Great Falls and Helena, then Missoula then back home. Fuck Fauci, Fuck Inslee and Let’s Go Brandon. Shit, I had more trick or treating than ever show up on my doorstep.

  3. My gosh this whole leftist mess has been scripted by horror novelist King.

    Put a big red wig on ‘IT’. The appearance and evilness of fauxci matches PENNYWISE.

    COVID-19=THE STAND (at least that’s what the elitist globalist bastards hoped).

    Clowngress=SALEMS LOT.

  4. ^ Except King is one of the Leftists, Mm.

    I’m definitely in the Halloween mood. Thinking of getting a Biden mask and gluing a syringe to the forehead and wearing a “Let’s go Brandon!” sign from my neck and then doing a lot of shopping on that day.

  5. The bastard’s in the mainstream media keep trotting this little jerk out on the Sunday show’s so they can keep the sheeple trembling in fear. 😱

    He should be facing charges too numerous to list.

  6. I’m going to dress up as Fauci, in a suit with reading glasses. Only problem is, I’m tall so it’s going to be hard to act the part of a miserable little troll.

  7. Yeah… I’m smelling a trap.

    What better way to validate the approval of vaccines for elementary school age children than to encourage elementary school age children — the biggest trick-or-treaters — to go visit strangers (after not even being allowed to visit RELATIVES) and ask for candy, then declare the whole thing to be a “super-spreader event” affecting primarily elementary school age children!

    And no one will call Fauci on it. After years of falsehoods, what’s one more lie?

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