Propaganda War – Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights – IOTW Report

Propaganda War – Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights

Propaganda War – Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights, Claims Bad Weather and ATC Issues But Timing is Very Suspicious – Pilots Filed Vaccine Lawsuit One Day Earlier.

CTH: The communications teams at Southwest Airlines are struggling to hide the cause of thousands of cancelled flights this weekend and are blaming Air Traffic Control and weather issues for the issues [Tweet Link].   However, customers are calling out Southwest for their nonsense, as everyone knows large numbers of Southwest pilots are not showing up to work in protest over the vaccine mandate.

People stranded in airports, and people working in airports, are responding on social media with the truth; but Southwest Airlines is not willing to admit the push back from the pilots is the real cause.   The issue has become exhibit-A in the propaganda war currently raging.

Southwest issue as explained via NBC: “Southwest Airlines cancelled more than 1,000 flights, 27% of its schedule, on Sunday as disruptions that the airline blamed on air traffic control issues and bad weather affected the travel plans of thousands of customers. MORE

18 Comments on Propaganda War – Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights

  1. “Bad weather”? The center of disruption seems to be Florida. I live in Florida, 90 minutes from Tampa, 3 hours from Orlando. The weather this weekend was unremarkable, not only where I am but also in the whole region.

    So my question is: what specific Florida airports were adversely affected by what specific weather conditions or events?

    (And I’m not even touching on the reports of Florida ATC “sick outs”. Yet.)

  2. Airlines feel no compulsion to tell the truth any longer.

    They are making themselves non-essential. Won’t stop the feds from burying them in freshly-minted free cash.

  3. From the FAA: “The Federal Air Surgeon determined that FAA medical certificate holders may not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required flightcrew member, for 48 hours after each dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. The Federal Air Surgeon made this determination after evaluation of available medical information about these COVID-19 vaccines and potential side effects. As a result of this determination and consistent with 14 CFR § 61.53(a), each person subject to part 67 who receives the vaccine must wait 48 hours after each dose before acting as pilot in command or as a required flightcrew member.
    In the event that an FAA medical certificate holder experiences side effects after the 48-hour period has elapsed, the medical certificate holder may not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required flightcrew member as described at 14 CFR § 61.53(a) for the duration of the symptoms.”
    In case you are wondering restrictions for other vaccinations are it’s 1/2 hour after the shot, but sure this vaccination is so safe and widely tested the FAA is afraid to let pilots fly in case they drop dead or their heart swells to dangerous levels while in flight and if the do have any of the “non-existent” longer term side effects from the the shot this section also allows for the FAA to ban them from flying just in case they drop dead at least they are at home and not in flight.

  4. Flights out of Reno-Tahoe have been cancelled, as well. I have a round-trip flight scheduled with Southwest on October 28-Nov. 2 to Iowa. Even though it is for my dad’s memorial, I am MORE than happy to stay home if it helps the pilots and others protest this asinine ‘vaccine mandate’.

  5. Southwest won’t say that the cancelations are because of a COVID protest, but they but they do partially blame it on ATC problems, which are because of a COVID protest.

  6. Jethro
    OCTOBER 11, 2021 AT 1:11 PM
    “My SW flight out of Ft Myers tomorrow is questionable.”

    Getting on a SW plane with their record of indifferent maintenance, uncontained engine failures, jabbed pilots with incipient myocarditis, orsurly, unjabbed pilots, and backup, overworked, understaffed ATCs makes the flight and landing questionable too, even IF the plane leaves the gate in the first place, and good luck arranging ground transportation…

  7. SW Airlines brass is sure enjoying those two pay-off bribe payments given to them by the simpleton Biden of over $860 million each in anticipation of a walkout by airlines personnel regarding a forced vaxx assault by greed-saturated low-class airline authority. Those two payments occurring in Jan and March of 2020 to instigate and maintain silence of the fact.

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