Airline Pilot Explains Why He Is Not Getting the Jab – IOTW Report

Airline Pilot Explains Why He Is Not Getting the Jab

12 Comments on Airline Pilot Explains Why He Is Not Getting the Jab

  1. It’s not a question of whether the globalists’ vaxx is a suspect drug or not. It’s a matter of annihilating the freedom and liberties of Americans committed by these very same globalists and power-grasping accomplices. No doubt the tyrants have exercised their own rights to do or not.

  2. Bravo!
    For him to put his high paying job on the line for principals is brave and admirable.
    This video is why big tech is trying to convince Congress to censor the internet.
    Without the internet we would think we are alone and powerless.

  3. First they came for the unvaccinated, but I was vaccinated and said nothing.

    Then they came for the vaccinated . . . .

    we know how this story ends

  4. Well said Fred!
    (don’t know what his name is, but Fred is as good as anything else)
    Gee Wally, Pilots, Controllers, Amtrak employees, and Truckers all over the nation are just pitching in and doing what they can to use less fossil fuel!

    No kiddin Beave, this is Jackass Joe’s “Unity”

  5. London Market Open: boohoo sinks after warning on profit margins
    Alliance News – Stock prices in London opened higher on Thursday with the internationally exposed FTSE 100 supported by sterling weakness, while on AIM fashion retailers were lower after boohoo cut its guidance.

  6. When the world will be as one is when the globalists are satisfied. I pray the Savior calls his church soon. The dead in Christ shall rise up first, then we which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds. And we will meet Jesus in the air and we will for ever be with him.

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