Anti-Columbus Ranter Hilariously Makes the Case For Border Walls – IOTW Report

Anti-Columbus Ranter Hilariously Makes the Case For Border Walls

What a dope this thing is.

It starts by telling us that it is going to educate us (that declaration is never followed by any educating whatsoever) and immediately devolves into a comical contradictory set of sentences – Columbus was not welcomed/Columbus was welcomed with open arms.

Please keep talking! With every utterance you make me chuckle.

14 Comments on Anti-Columbus Ranter Hilariously Makes the Case For Border Walls

  1. Colombus didn’t land on the mainland, he landed on an island in the Caribbean. This ‘expert’ is clueless! The English are the ones that stole the mainland from the natives.

  2. Walter Johnson, the Germans had no part. They were invited in after the fact by the Americans to farm the lands that the Indians didn’t know how to farm and the Americans of British descent didn’t have the patience and skill to farm. That is why so many Germans ended up in the Midwest, along with other extra-hardy Europeans with agricultural and mechanical skills that the Americans lacked.

  3. The only educational tidbit to be gleaned from listening to this freakazoid is that mental institutions should never have been eliminated.
    Columbus discovering this part of the world made way for Western civilization to become the foundation of the greatest nation on Earth – The United States of America.
    So no, extra LGBT weirdo dressed like a “gay” reject from the 1990s, Columbus really isn’t a problem.

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