It must be true, when you’re mentally ill you don’t know it… – IOTW Report

It must be true, when you’re mentally ill you don’t know it…

36 Comments on It must be true, when you’re mentally ill you don’t know it…

  1. I quit watching after about 45 seconds, this chick is just plain nuts. She may be somewhat cute but I wouldn’t touch her with a 100 foot pole. I’d be afraid to catch her craziness. They’re coming to take her away, ha ha, ho ho to the funny farm…. Where are the men in the white coats with the large butterfly nets to catch this fruitcake?

  2. TheMule
    OCTOBER 12, 2021 AT 9:50 AM
    “I think the biggest contributor is the pointless feeding and housing a billion fucking morons whose only activity is posting crap on Tik Tok.”

    They vote Democrat and burn down cities too when not assaulting women and chidren and aborting their own babies, so there’s that…

  3. The most likely cause of her behavior is:

    (a) Myoclonus
    (b) Chorea
    (c) Tardive dyskinesia
    (d) Athetosis
    (e) Dystonia
    (f) Tourette syndrome
    (g) Ataxia
    (h) Restless leg syndrome
    (i) Adolescent Progressivism combined with a modern dance obsession

  4. “Climate Change” is a Hoax.
    The “military” can’t “contribute” to it because it isn’t real.
    The girl(?) is dumber than a bag of hammers if she really believes her own bullshit.
    If she’s just trying to make a place for herself and grab a few bucks, then she’s probably pretty smart.
    I don’t understand how the convulsions help.
    (St. Vitus Dance?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. She’s not crazy. She’s not even stupid. She’s doing what she knows will get this video in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Because we find it near impossible to rob this sort of behavior of the life-giving airtime it seeks and needs in order to thrive and multiply.

    If we want to know why insanity goes viral while reason withers away in the shadows of the internet, we need look no further than our own bathroom mirror.


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