Story of guy who built 500 million dollar mansion is very depressing – IOTW Report

Story of guy who built 500 million dollar mansion is very depressing

There’s a youtube channel where a guy profiles millionaires and billionaires and tours huge homes and is a little like the current day Robin Leach (Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.)

Comedian Bill Burr talked about a profile of a developer named Nile. Nile has built the single-most ridiculous private home in America.

Nile included a nightclub inside the mansion that has enough room for over a thousand people. Burr points out that there isn’t enough parking around the home to ever have that many guests.

As you watch this you begin to see that Nile is a bit mentally ill. I suspect bipolar disorder, and no one in his life stopped him from sinking all of his money into a luxurious black hole.

I watched an update.

It’s hard to watch, but I can’t look away.

Nile talks about an investor that he “trusts with his life.” It’s a guy that he’s never met, except on Facetime, who is going to be bailing him out of his mess “next week.”

Nile talks about how this property is going to change the world, that it has a higher purpose, all the while saying he just wants to make his profit and get out from under the house. He then pivots back to how he has big plans for the house, wanting to keep it and have pay-per-view specials where you pay to see him living in the house.


He then launches “big news.” He is starting a bank. A depository bank. My suspicion is that this bank will not be “withdrawaly.”

If you enjoy watching train wrecks. This is for you.

(Side note. Nile’s voice sounds a lot like poker player Phil Laak. And he has Laak’s crazy way of framing things, except that with Laak it’s an act.)

29 Comments on Story of guy who built 500 million dollar mansion is very depressing

  1. Why have 1000 people capacity? I don’t think I’ve met 1000 people I’d want to hang out with in my LIFE, let alone pay to entertain them.

    If he lets 1000 people in, 970 of them are just there to steal stuff and pretend to be friends because he’s rich and they think it will be profitable.

  2. I wish people would rethink certain comments. Do you really want a blog you enjoy to start second guessing what they post? Should I keep in mind everyone’s taste when posting? Nothing would be posted.

  3. “I wish people would rethink certain comments. Do you really want a blog you enjoy to start second guessing what they post?”

    It takes more energy to type “Who Cares” than to just move onto the next story you might be interested in. Actually drives me a little nuts.

  4. I follow Roseanne Barr on IG. She currently lives on an ocean view compound on Maui. She’s lost a ton a weight and is still MAGA.
    I think Tom Arnold is living out of a dumpster in North Hollyweird.

  5. This is America. Anyone who can afford (or get others to buy in) to build something, can. I would have liked to have been there for some of those mega concrete pours!

    So stupid that people in El-A, of all places, would have a problem with excess. The whole place aspires to excess.

    In the end — which many of us hope is sooner than later — none of this matters at all. There are no moving vans going to Heaven.

  6. Our fallen state, if we are seperated from God, includes a strong impulse to achieve immortality in some way or another. We see it all around us in the temples and altars many have built to themselves. That’s the sad part.

  7. On the other hand…he kept hundreds of contractors and craftsmen busy for years, stimulating the local economy. I’m thinking of the Gary Oldman character, Zorg, in the Fifth Element. At least it wasn’t built using taxpayer money, like so many government “shovel ready” projects.

    And yes, he is, clearly, NUTS.

  8. “It takes more energy to type “Who Cares” than to just move onto the next story…”

    Or somebody could have a little fun and type:

    “Thank you for this valued information. Your blog is this most informative and I will be referring to my friends again and again” and then use a name like “Scana Delion”

    I wouldn’t do that, but somebody could do that. Instead of being a wet rag.


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