Katie Couric censored RBG on anthem-kneeling to ‘protect her from Progressives’ – IOTW Report

Katie Couric censored RBG on anthem-kneeling to ‘protect her from Progressives’

Citizen Free Press:

Katie Couric says she cut quotes from an interview with RBG in 2016 where the SCOTUS Justice said that kneeling during the National Anthem shows a “contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents & grandparents to live a decent life.” more

14 Comments on Katie Couric censored RBG on anthem-kneeling to ‘protect her from Progressives’

  1. I didn’t agree with RBG but she did respect the country and its institutions. She also was against stacking SCOTUS. Just goes to show how far the democrats have gone to full communists.

  2. There was also this…

    “Couric wrote she wanted to “protect” Ginsburg, who died last year, and also suggested Ginsburg’s office had some influence on the final product, according to the Mail.”

    …so the law clerks helped edit, and also this…

    “This is not the role of a journalist….” Daily Mail columnist Meghan McCain wrote. “You can’t complain about distrust in the media when one of the most famous interviewers admits to rigging interviews to make liberals look good. I now have even more questions about her ethics in regards to interviewing conservatives.”

    …which I find hilarious, considering the source…


  3. Such is the behavior from the nabobs in the traitorous media; yet they sanctimoniously shield themselves behind the First Amendment, of the Constitution they mock.

    A Danish bow and arrow in the street would be too ‘newsworthy’ an end to a ‘career’ such as the one that made her wealthy.

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