SEIU Labor Union Leader Resigns Following Embezzlement, Tax Fraud Charges – IOTW Report

SEIU Labor Union Leader Resigns Following Embezzlement, Tax Fraud Charges

California Globe: On Wednesday, Alma Hernandez, the Executive Director for Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the largest labor union in California resigned after her and her husband, Jose Moscoso, were charged by California Attorney General Rob Bonta on numerous embezzlement and tax fraud charges.

According to a California Department of Justice statement, the CA DOJ, along with multiple state organizations including the Employment Development Department (EDD), the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB), and the Tax Recovery in the Underground Economy (TRUE) Task Force found multiple instances of filing false tax returns and other crimes dating back to 2014.

In documents filed on Wednesday, Hernandez was found to have written two checks worth $11,700 to Moscoso for services not provided from the account of the Working Families for Solorio for Senate 2014 PAC, whom Hernandez was serving as treasurer at the time.

From 2014 to 2018, Moscoso and Hernandez also allegedly filed multiple joint income tax returns in which they underreported earnings by $1,427,874, owing the state $143,483 in unpaid income tax.

Moscoso, who ran an air duct cleaning business, was also found to have not listed multiple employees in his business through taxes, not reporting more than $300,000 in wages and, from 2017 to 2020, failing to pay $16,000 in employment taxes. more here

7 Comments on SEIU Labor Union Leader Resigns Following Embezzlement, Tax Fraud Charges

  1. Yeah, but no surprise. The Purple People Beaters are probably the foulest, dirtiest scumbag unions to walk the face of the earth. They’re even worse than the Teamsters, if that were at all possible!! ;^)

  2. “On Wednesday, Alma Hernandez, the Executive Director for Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the largest labor union in California resigned …’

    but on Thursday, Hernandez was appointed, by unanimous acclamation, Exec. Dir. of the SSEIU, the Self-Serving Employees Intl Union, whose members comprise 99% of government employees at all levels.
    Gov Newsome was present to laud her for her years of public service.


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