Greta Thunberg Wastes Energy Singing and Dancing – IOTW Report

Greta Thunberg Wastes Energy Singing and Dancing

Horrendous waste of carbon–

ht/ woody

24 Comments on Greta Thunberg Wastes Energy Singing and Dancing

  1. She is a rock star! To those who adore her anyway. And she will get the rock star treatment – that is as long as she conforms to every single whim of her fans she will be popular, and if she deviates on just one thing she will be mercilessly attacked.
    Great recent example: Adele, certainly a phenomenal singer, got fit and trim after a decade of being pretty heavy. She hasn’t said anything negative about heavy or unhealthy people, but she changed – and therefore she is being attacked.
    Better to just know that there are people out there who don’t like you, as we all do, and just don’t care.

  2. It’s pretty sad as to what some people will refer to as “singing”.
    I’ve heard bagpipes being stomped on, that gave a more pleasant sound than this brain addled bitch.

  3. Eweee! What a contemptible little pos she is. She is as good as an SNL actor panning for laughs and grins in front of those whose minds as as filthy as hers.

    My guess is she can’t handle legitimate arguments or true facts.

  4. Ear bleach!! Eye bleach!! Her current net worth is at least $1M (according to a couple of sources). I wonder if she is donating any of her money to her causes, or just taking the freebies and acting as a spokesperson like most leftists.

    On a side note, who wants to nominate a worse singer?

  5. This girl is 18 years old now.
    You’d think she would’ve discovered shampoo for that greasy mop on her head.
    What other hygienic offerings is she avoiding?
    I personally believe her parents are trying to keep the little Asperger gremlin a child for as long as they can.
    They know the novelty will wear off.

  6. More proof that liberals live a lie. Neither of them had any business being on that stage nor did anyone in the audience have any reason to scream and cheer. They are all delusional.


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