911 call at Baldwin movie set – IOTW Report

17 Comments on 911 call at Baldwin movie set

  1. Everyone runs out of the room to call someone else to handle it instead of staying there to deal with the problem and maybe try to save a life with help from 911.

    Can’t even stand to look at the consequences of their hubris.

    Self-centered, cowardly fucks.

    That’s show biz.

  2. What a tragedy for those two folks and their families.

    Baldwin should have manually inspected firearm ‘props’ as soon as handed to him…each and every time, instead of horsing around a set with it. But, that would entail true gun control, of which the very first tenet is “treat every firearm as if it’s loaded”. What a total jackwagon!


  3. Hey sports fans! The prop guy is supposed to be “in control” of the “props” (in this case a gun) and when NOT filming no one is suppose to retain possession. When they call out “Cut” he is supposed to take back “control” and not let the “BIG Stars” continue to play with he prop. For exactly this reason!

    Speculating that if you’re a big enough star and also the producer of the film maybe you can tell to prop guy to “F-off” and you’ll retain possession…

    Noting that an earlier quoted source has said a real round was loaded into the prop gun…

    Everything about this one is a cluster-F

  4. What people are failing to take into account is that this is a Leftist A lister with the longtime support of the left Democrat Politicians and the Media but more importantly Hollywood where dreams are made. We need to settle down and wait as investigations are fabricated before any conclusions are taken.🤮

  5. At about the 0:47 mark, the woman calling is talking to someone in the room with her about “the motherfucker going off on her at lunchtime about revisions” or words to that effect, and then says “he’s the one who put the guns (undecipherable) he’s the one responsible.” Who is she talking about, I wonder.

  6. There is an article on UK Daily- this was a low budget production, union workers hated the working conditions and were being forced to drive an hour to a hotel and they walked off after talking about unsafe conditions and another gun going off days earlier. Allegedly they replaced the union folks with locals. Any insurance claims are likely to be denied with this ridiculousness and failure to have industry practices which were pretty strict after 1993 Brandon Lee’s death.

  7. The lady calling 911 tells the operator that someone was shot BY a prop gun, not WITH a prop gun. That’s how these people think. The gun did it. It’s at fault. Bad gun! Window licking morons.

  8. The scenario of somebody loading live rounds on a movie set is in one of the James Patterson NYPD novels. The labor unrest reported by The Daily Mail is a huge Ah-Ha development. We all know that Alex is an arrogant asshole and I’ll bet he liked to play with the blanks and pretend to shoot people. Im placing my bet on somebody setting him up by slipping in a live round. But Id still arrest him for negligent homicide.

  9. With Baldwin’s ego and him being both the director and star, there is no question a camera of some type was always rolling and following him from the minute he arrived until he was driven off in a cloud of dust. He surely had visions of “behind the scenes”, “director’s cut”, and so forth. Let’s release the video and watch Baldwin playing with a gun.

  10. Accidentally, my ass. Anyone who saw The Hunt for Red October knows that this is not the first time Alec Baldwin has handled a firearm on a set. He should know better. And after the deaths of Jon-Erik Hexum and Brandon Lee from guns loaded with blanks, it should be common knowledge in Hollywood that you can’t fuck around with guns, even if their loaded with blanks. There is zero excuse for Baldwin pulling the trigger while pointing the gun in anyone’s direction.

    But, of course, he is a rich, famous, and highly vocal democrats; so the democrat cult of cuntitude will close ranks to protect him. If you or I did this, we’d be fucked and headed to prison.

  11. From the little I’ve been able to find I’ve surmised that a leftist twink that always expects to get his own way didn’t. In a childish
    tantrum expressed his wish that a gun was real and pointed and pulled the trigger as it only had blanks. He’s always had an explosive temper but also the finances to rid himself of the past problems he made. Maybe not anymore!

  12. The violent and explosive narcissist Alec Baldwin who decent people have been warned to stay away from and not give an invite to is now a murderer who purposefully fired upon those who he imagined offended him in some way that only a vile psychotic such as Baldwin could imagine.

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