New Zealand PM Says She is Setting Up Apartheid State Based on Vaxxed and Unvaxxed – IOTW Report

New Zealand PM Says She is Setting Up Apartheid State Based on Vaxxed and Unvaxxed

Again, these dipshits say the vaxxed must be PROTECTED from the unvaxxed.

It’s almost like they are saying the jab doesn’t work, and they had these people take the jab for an entirely different reason.

This woman is a maniac—>

17 Comments on New Zealand PM Says She is Setting Up Apartheid State Based on Vaxxed and Unvaxxed

  1. The real goal is elites vs everyone else for maximum control. Has nothing to do with a virus. Just reading of a county in Ireland that has a 99% vax compliance but also has the highest rate of covid cases in Ireland.

  2. I looked up (very quickly) how or if Australia’s highest court system protects Australia’s citizens from this kind of tyranny. I couldn’t find a simple answer, but what I read suggests that it does not. In any event, I pray that those affected by this woman’s drunken power play are able to effectively fight back against it.

    Generally speaking (from experience), we cannot fight the Left and their forces of evil on the merits of vaxing or not vaxxing, for reasons that should by now be obvious. This fight must be fought on the basis of Constitutional protections and the sovereignty of the individual. The Left wants to embroil us in their moral argument (vaxxing) that has no moral basis (God-given rights). They do this EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  3. Fascist scrunt! The people of NZ (vaxxed or not) should gather their pitchforks and rope.

  4. How about a more nuanced approach; wear a sign that says “unvaxxed” and ring a bell when walking out in public, and shouting “unvaccinated!, Unvaccinated!” That should do it.

  5. In a just world, this smug tyrannical bitch would be hanging upside-down next to a gas station somewhere. Grow a fucking spine, New Zealand, and take your freedom back.


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