EnvironMENTALists Block Major Roadway in NYC to Raise Awareness That… They Have No Jobs – IOTW Report

EnvironMENTALists Block Major Roadway in NYC to Raise Awareness That… They Have No Jobs

I like when the New Yawker asks if they have jobs..

I would like it more if he knocked them all the ef out.

9 Comments on EnvironMENTALists Block Major Roadway in NYC to Raise Awareness That… They Have No Jobs

  1. drivers need to carry zip ties in their vehicles – work together, drag these a-holes over to the side of the road and zip them to anything – guard rails lamp posts, each other. Oh, and don’t forget to kick them in the head – oops – while dragging them out of the road.

    Enough of this madness.

  2. You cannot rationalize with irrational people. Once a few of those people get decked out, they will re-think strategies. Liberty-loving people need to start working together otherwise these small groups of radicals are going to keep disrupting and violating our rights until they force society to bend to their will.

  3. I think they would be more effective if they threw themselves in front of moving subways.
    Could really reduce their Carbon footprints.

  4. Someone needs to rent a full honey wagon, pull up alongside these assholes, and unload the shit all over them.
    Bet they move.
    Ex-stink-tion Rebellion, LOL.


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