Kamala has skipped 206 daily briefings – IOTW Report

Kamala has skipped 206 daily briefings


…The Los Angeles Times recently compiled a trove of information regarding Vice President Harris’ calendar, and the U.K. Daily Mail went through it. Not only is Harris drifting further apart from President Biden, the data show she’s missed 206 presidential daily briefs in person since the Biden-Harris administration took over at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

In January, Biden made it clear Harris was to be included in these meetings. Biden is “returning to the practice of having his vice president join for the briefing when they’re both in Washington,” officials said, according to NBC News. A vice presidential aid further commented, saying Harris had attended Oval Office briefings Biden’s first week as president, “and that is the plan going forward.” more

17 Comments on Kamala has skipped 206 daily briefings

  1. Understand not wanting to be around President*, but all the more reason to be in the daily briefings loop because you know he’s no longer making any decisions. Start the job without knowledge means she has none.

  2. Neither one of these two assholes is interested in the safety, security and productivity of the country, so unless they’re discussing how to destroy the nation, they aren’t interested!

    Period, Q.E.D.

  3. Why bother? I mean she is a know-it-all so if the brief disagrees with her outlook the briefer is wrong and if the brief confirms what she already knows it is a waste of time.

    I’m not saying I agree mind you. I’m just saying I understand them. Sadly I probably better understand them better than they understand themselves. But that is because they never ask “why” questions. As in “why would someone skip out on over 200 daily briefings?”. Instead the pronounce judgment as in “Orange Man Bad and if you like Trump you’re worse than Hitler”. Not a lot of reflection gong on there.

  4. It’s still possible she’s been excluded based on “need to know.”

    On the other hand, it’s possible they created a new security category just for her: “capable of knowing.”

    Either way, some Democrat should tell her on national TV that even Dan Quayle was a better Vice President. See if she breaks out into hysterical laughter.

  5. “Biden is “returning to the practice of having his vice president join for the briefing when they’re both in Washington,”

    Something Obama did away with because Joe kept trying to show everybody the pictures he had colored while they were talking.

  6. The reason the whore has missed 206 briefings is because of her other job as a fluffer on porn movie sets. Gotta keep that mouth in shape. She will be sucking Chairman Xi’s dick soon enough.

  7. They gave the briefings without pictures – so, she thought, what’s the use?
    Words, words, words … and no pictures! How’m I sposed to follow that?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. By my reckoning, as of October 20, the Biden Harris Admin was 270 days old. So she has attended just over 2 months’ worth of briefings. Perhaps she was busy going to the southern border (NOT!)or working on one of the many other assignments given to her.

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