Byron Donalds Calls Out Dem Chairwoman With Impassioned Speech About Government Overreach – IOTW Report

Byron Donalds Calls Out Dem Chairwoman With Impassioned Speech About Government Overreach

Congressman to keep an eye on…

Here’s his Progressive Score.

LOL. They hate him!

14 Comments on Byron Donalds Calls Out Dem Chairwoman With Impassioned Speech About Government Overreach

  1. Good on you Byron Donald’s!
    I have had it up to here (fingers horizontal at the top of my receding hairline) with you out of control leftist retards.

    Totally finished with you morons.

    It’s over. We will bury you.

  2. @Rich – as an adjunct to your extended video clip. Another concern of electric vehicles, beside the source of energy to recharge the batteries, is what do you do with the lithium batteries at the end of their useful life?

    I work in a warehouse that uses electric tow motors (forklifts with clamps instead of forks). I was talking with a battery technician about what they do with batteries after they die. He said standard batteries can be fully recycled, but that lithium batteries – used in autos – can not.

    What are you going to do with those electric vehicle lithium batteries AOC? Algore? And the rest of you money grubbing, capitalism killing socialists?

  3. From the article;

    “Afghanistan is thought to have the largest lithium deposit in the world, which is a key component of modern forms of energy storage, such as batteries for electric vehicles and renewable energy.”

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