78 Years Later – IOTW Report

78 Years Later

78 years later————>

HT/ Shang

14 Comments on 78 Years Later

  1. But of course Joe Biden* would never have a cold drink of water because even before he was a frail washed up piece of shit with senile dementia, he was a drunken buffoon, besotted & shitfaced before noon every goddam day.

  2. Sorry, that is NOT baptism.
    Baptism is when a believer is immersed under water after declaring his or her faith.
    Throwing water on a baby’s head is show for the parents and family.
    In the Baptist church, there is baby dedication where parents vow to dedicate the child, but baptism comes later (choice of the believer being baptized).

  3. Obviously, Joe did not want to be baptized and chose to face plant.

    And yet, the Pope just declared Joe a good Catholic!

    So, what conclusions can be drawn?

    (Check all that apply.)

    [ ] Something’s always been wrong with Joe.
    [ ] The head banging done it. That’s why Joe went bad baby.
    [ ] Something’s always been wrong with the Pope.
    [ ] The Pope’s head was banged earlier in life. He’s never been the same.
    [ ] We’re living in a parallel Universe.
    [ ] The baby should have died; God is tormenting us.
    [ ] God wants us to finish the botched baptism without the water.

  4. @Anonymous, 7:33 pm–

    Jesus did not forbid infant baptism, and there are no strictures against it in the Bible.

    Some passages encourage it, such as:

    [Acts 2: 38-39] 38 Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized EVERY ONE OF YOU in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you, FOR YOUR CHILDREN, and for all who are far away, EVERYONE WHOM THE LORD OUR GOD CALLS TO HIM.” [capital letter emphasis mine]

    Jesus told the disciples to let the children come to him, and forbid them not. He did not tell the children, “Hey, kids, you can hang out with me now, but you can’t be an official part of the Kingdom of God until you grow up.”

    Baptism is appropriate for people at any age.

  5. Anonymous is correct about Christian baptism regarding babies.
    Babies are under grace. They can’t profess faith in Christ and have no sin to confess. Both tenets are necessary for salvation.

    Sure, parents can dedicate babies by sprinkling water on them. Nothing in the Word discourage it, but it is not baptism. Baptism is necessary after someone has chosen and clearly knows that Christ is Lord and Savior. Babies can’t do that.
    However, even though children under twelve are also under grace, some children can be aware of right and wrong so profoundly they recognize what sin is and accept salvation, even if not required at a very young age.
    The following article with scriptures make great points about Christian baptism;
    https://radicallychristian.com/why-its-not-biblical-to-baptize-an-infant .

    Anne Nonymous Prime, just want to clarify the scripture you posted in Acts refers to the promise of repentance and baptism salvation for all who believe in Christ, including generations beyond the group Peter was talking with. A choice babies can’t make – again they are under God’s grace. As for the scriptures pertaining to Christ commanding no child should be prevented from getting close to Him, Mark 10:13-16 really only confirms children are again under His grace. Also, a child like approach to Christ is emphasized in that particular scripture. It doesn’t pertain to baptism.
    Baby baptism just isn’t supported by the Word.

  6. Infant/child baptism is properly followed by Confirmation, where the person “confirms”/”affirms” the baptismal sacrament received before an age of cognitive understanding.

    Of course, the entire issue rests on whether you believe baptism is necessary for salvation or not. If it’s optional for salvation, then anything goes.


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