Tearful Mother Pleads With Lefty Protestors – “Don’t Ruin My Daughter’s Wedding” – The Lefties DGAS – IOTW Report

Tearful Mother Pleads With Lefty Protestors – “Don’t Ruin My Daughter’s Wedding” – The Lefties DGAS

35 Comments on Tearful Mother Pleads With Lefty Protestors – “Don’t Ruin My Daughter’s Wedding” – The Lefties DGAS

  1. if it were a TV show the audience would be cheering for the good guys to shoot the zombies in the head.

    oh, by the way, mom… someone in your inner circle spilled the beans. Nice to know your friend thinks so much of your daughter’s weddibg.

  2. Go back in to your millionaire buddies….. it’s all about class struggles. The fascists demand that everyone is brought to poverty…. viva revolution!

  3. Brad, the answer is no.

    They surrendered their humanity when they pledged their alligence to Satan.

    Satan has infiltrated their souls with demons and thus they have become demons.

    Why is anyone surprised when they behave like demons?

    How can anyone look at Pelosi/Schumer/Pedo and the whore behave and not see the demons writhing to the surface?

    Lucifer is alive and doing well in America today with his willing legions.

    The end times approach. You can only mock the Lord for so long.

  4. Sinema, if she was actually a friend, should have left and drawn away the crowd. What friend stays when being the reason for all the commotion?

    That seems selfish. Go face your protesters and save the wedding. Or go home.

  5. Who’d of thought that the protesters actually have a work ethic? They’re paid to be there. No protest, no pay.

    I’ll bet most of them don’t even know who Sinema is. Probably got texted an address and a picture of her.

  6. Sinema could have just left and the assholes would have followed, leaving the wedding much less disturbed.
    Personally, I’d walk out a few blocks down and let them follow me as I called them the most disgusting names in the book and constantly insulted them. (After Years of Ice Hockey & Construction I’m a bigger Asshole than most.)

    Sinema also has to understand who HER party REALLY is.
    Sinema & Democrat Mom should have realized this outcome was a real & likely possibility.

  7. Sinema did the right thing to refuse Biden’s ridiculous and reckless spending bill. Now she has to deal with her Democrat scum-bags. That family should of done a destination wedding to Florida. The wx is nice this time of year.

  8. The republican party has similar people like Sinema the witch. Lie & say they are treated better, your double standards count for shit. People like her, a turncoat to her party, trouble the follows them where ever they go. They deserve every bit of it. The witch should of left the wedding, she brought the trouble with her.


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