Has the Left Tried Again With a Plant To Poison Youngkin? – IOTW Report

Has the Left Tried Again With a Plant To Poison Youngkin?

No tiki torches this time, now it’s a stereotypical Marlboro man with a confederate flag sewed on his back.

Here is the suspiciousness-

-patch is brand new

-ref flannel shirt is just too “on the nose”

-he lights cigarette to gain attention

-he’s acting suspiciously weird with the red leather jacket lady

– after pictures are taken she sidles up to him and says something and they leave

-guy with sign swoops in and covers him up and starts to follow him out

-guy is carrying what appears to be a second jacket

-he bobs his head to music he would never like

-the picture was out on social media by blue check marks in record time

-the picture had to be restaged because there wasn’t a time the red leather jacket lady stood next to him with his patch in full view.

24 Comments on Has the Left Tried Again With a Plant To Poison Youngkin?

  1. It seems clear to me that it was intentional, since several very similar photos were shared by lefty ‘journalists’ (apparently hanging out together). But how many voters are going to be swayed by one guy wearing one patch, particularly since the pics I saw were presented without comment? Tikigate at least came with a strong narrative push.

  2. Looks around to confirm photo’s have been taken. Check. Mission nearly complete. Acts nervous. Maybe expecting more affirming reaction from people that could be videoed?

    Pretty fricken obvious.

  3. Looks like an official kool-aid drinker to me. South enough to be plausible at that type of event. Most people say, so what, a man with a confederate flag on his blue jean jacket at a event like that.

  4. Poseur alert!!! Back patch is too small to be the only patch on the jacket. Dead giveaway in my opinion. But, I’m just a metalhead giving his opinion on backpatches and denim jackets.

  5. So tired of this. In my very integrated high school people wore the Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia as a decoration for the most part, even some of the Black kids did so ironically. I had my class ring done with it as an interal design because “i was a rebel”, not anything else, and it was a STANDARD choice at the time because MANY schools had “Runnin’ Rebels” or some such as their sports teams.

    The only people that made it a symbol of hate were Democrats, many years later.

    Fitting really, because ALL of those Southern Slave Owners AND Klansmen were DEMOCRATS…

  6. Confederate battle flag patch is to obvious. Well positioned to get in front of the cameras and show off the confederate flag. Lighting the cig is a good bit of theatre as well – racists like to kill little black kids with second hand smoke.

    He might as well have dressed up as Simon Legree, holding a noose in one hand and a whip in the other, wandering around muttering something about “niggers”.

  7. The irony I see in this is that a former shipmate of mine who came from VA (and returned to live there after retiring from the Navy) was so full of ‘Southrrn Pride’ he constantly called the Civil War “The war of Northern aggression” and would regularly rock a Confederate flag on his clothes (until it became PC not to) and is so democrat leftist he makes Bernie look moderate!

  8. Anonymous NOVEMBER 2, 2021 AT 5:38 PM

    Patch is on the denim shirt/jacket.
    From the back, I couldn’t see any flannel shirt.

    Watch the video.

    At 13 seconds he starts facing the camera.

    Red Flannel shirt.

    The denim jacket, with a freshly attached patch on the back, is being worn over it.

    P.S. Given the denim jacket, with the flannel shirt, is sufficient to keep warm there, why is he holding a second jacket?

    I say to cover the denim one until the right time.

    I also say he lit a cig because it is obnoxious to smoke in a crowd. He was trying hard.


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