Enthusiastic Pro Child-Vax Mother Changes Tune When Her Son Becomes “One of the Unlucky Ones” – IOTW Report

Enthusiastic Pro Child-Vax Mother Changes Tune When Her Son Becomes “One of the Unlucky Ones”

See the REST of her epiphany HERE

ht/ SNS

42 Comments on Enthusiastic Pro Child-Vax Mother Changes Tune When Her Son Becomes “One of the Unlucky Ones”

  1. Thanks for seeing this, BFH.

    Whenever I get that autopsy report on the 19 year old I had in full cardiac arrest, if it says what I THINK it will based on what I saw and what folks told me later, I’ll probably have something of my OWN to share with the group, and IF it’s what it appears to be, I am unlikely to be as nice as THIS lady was…

  2. But will people like her learn to not listen to the propaganda cultists on tv?
    It’s always a conspiracy theory until it happens to you.

    Too bad.
    What a tough way to realize the govt doesn’t care about health.

  3. @ AnonTrooper NOVEMBER 4, 2021 AT 10:58 AM

    You are being pretty naïve. The type of individual who must experience tragedy for themselves in order to comprehend it is what they is. The bitch will continue to usurp the authority to control what others think and determine what is best for them.

  4. Not so fast about “life” humbling you, missy.

    Her emphasis on the clot shot is almost entirely on the expense of treating her son; not on the his terrible heart condition brought on by her willful ignorance! A mother protects her “kiddos”! None of her science degrees and apparent study to get them were in evidence. Just another arrogant peon bending a knee to the wrong god.

  5. I’m sad for her, that she had to learn the hard way…. but learn she must! A terrible decision that she alone, made for her children. So much for her ‘science’ degrees. That poor boy will now live with heart disease for the rest of his life. Didn’t she read the warning FAQ sheet on this shot? Damn!

  6. When you have gotten patted on the head all of your life and even got a degree in science based on regurgitating the politically correct answers this is what results from it. I watched two gals, one with a bachelors degree in Physics and the others likewise, but in Chemistry (from a top “women’s college) run tap water to near boiling point just to fill the ice cube trays. And yes, one is a teacher.

  7. You know, you have to let people be dumb and hopefully learn from their mistakes. BUT!!!!! You don’t get to be dumb and drag my ass into your stupidity.

    You want to vax your baby, your fetus, your egg, do it.
    I don’t give a shit. But you start coming after me?
    You will wish you died.

    I’m tired of this.

  8. Cate
    NOVEMBER 4, 2021 AT 11:47 AM
    “That poor boy will now live with heart disease for the rest of his life.”

    …that might not take long.

    20% mortality rate for myocarditis patients 3 years out.

    50%+ when you get to 5 years out.

    The inflammation can be reduced, but the scarring is permanent, along with the VASTLY increased risk of EMD causing all sorts of arrhythmias depending on where the damage is and how extensive it is, and some of those are fatal.

    It’s very likely even if he lives, he’ll be crippled by his damaged heart.

    Younger patients are more likely to get a heart transplant, which they may or may not survive.

    But best case, that would mean a lifetime of immunosupressants in an already “vaxxine” compromised immune system.

    And they’ve ruined the transplant system as well, since some insist both donor and recipient have The Clot Shot, you may be denied a heart, or the new one is ALSO damaged from it as well…

  9. Supernightshade- And you can sit every mother down at the CVS and tell them all of that, and 90% of them will still do it.

    They just don’t want to see or accept things. You have to let some people go.
    Pray for them. That’s all we can do, by law, anyway.

  10. MJA
    NOVEMBER 4, 2021 AT 12:46 PM
    “And you can sit every mother down at the CVS and tell them all of that, and 90% of them will still do it.”

    Yep. Can’t fix stupidity. Or slavish compliance. And CERTAINLY not Social Media peer pressure.

    “They just don’t want to see or accept things.”

    Also true. Even once Johnny and Janey die, they will blame something else.

    ANYTHING else.

    Racism, perhaps, or Global Warming.


    “Pray for them.”

    Their kids, perhaps. But I’m not sure prayer can be effectual for people who have completely thrown over their faith in God for False Idol Fauci and his Golden Jab…

  11. “And they’ve ruined the transplant system as well” -SNS

    And THAT problem will not go away even if SARS-2 does. We’re not seeing much written about this yet from the medical community. Figures, they’ve been enslaved by Obamacare and Medicare and now big pharma and the global deep state.

    There’s nothing quite like watching civilization destroy itself at a ripe old age.

    Everything our Federal Government has touched has turned to shit.

  12. General Malaise NOVEMBER 4, 2021 AT 1:16 PM
    “There’s nothing quite like watching civilization destroy itself at a ripe old age.”

    I know, right?

    I used to read about the Fall of Rome, but I never thought I’d get to live through a “reboot” of it.

    But I grew up on the Mel Gibson Mad Max stories and such, so when I was young, I always figured I’d be part of a survivalist, crumbled, dystopian world where it was every man for himself and there was no law but the fist and the gun.

    Thing is, the schedule was wrong. I was SUPPOSED to be MUCH younger, thinner, stronger, and without a body going all funhouse on me or a family to worry about…

  13. I know exactly what you mean, SNS. In my youth, I used to warn friends and relatives repeatedly about “how these Federal programs will ultimately destroy our country” and most disagreed with me. I’ve seen this coming since my teenage years under Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.” But I always hoped I was just a “worry wort” and not nearly as prophetic as I unfortunately turned out to be.

  14. Supernightshade… holy cow!!

    Question… why is that disease mostly effecting men rather than women after the shot? I’m sure there are women effected, but they make ‘special’ mention of men/boys connection in the FDA approval letter for Comernaty and must do research on that connection for ‘full FDA approval’. Do you have an opinion?

  15. Her kids were effed the day they were born, a mother that stupid would have done something else to ruin their lives. Next stop is sex change surgery for the whole family.

    I didn’t read the article, was there a dad mentioned?

  16. Cate NOVEMBER 4, 2021 AT 1:44 PM

    “Question… why is that disease mostly effecting men rather than women after the shot?”

    I am not a doctor, I’m just a guy who had (legit) reasons to hang out around hospitals and do and study medical stuff, but my BEST guess is that it’s because of the differences in cardiac anatomy and throughput in a man’s heart vs. a woman’s heart. A man’s heart is larger (contrary to romantic legends), more volumetric, and most males have a higher level of activity, to name just a few differences we’re supposed to pretend the sexes don’t have (beyond the obvious ones that get cut off and sewn on these days, that is).

    Here’s a fuller explanation, if you’re interested…


  17. The brainiac played Russian roulette with the Covid jab for her children and expected no consequences. Look at the price this fool’s child will pay for her so called superior intellect – a lifetime of medical bills.
    She had no clue there are placebo and “full strength” poision versions of the Covid jab. That’s what happens when you trust Fauci’s deadly, false “science”.

  18. Too many people have bought into the fear of Covid. To many getting covid means almost certain death. Our media and many doctors have pushed this false narrative. The fact that they are now passing this fear onto the least susceptible population of all, children, is just evil.


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