Transgender NYTs Columnists Says It’s Time To Cancel Classic Rock – IOTW Report

Transgender NYTs Columnists Says It’s Time To Cancel Classic Rock


The culture warriors at The New York Times are at it again. Now they have set their sights on one of America’s core contributions: Classic Rock. Opinion writer Jennifer Finney Boylan says classic rock isn’t “just” or “inclusive” and as such should be abandoned, writing: 

Boylan suggests we re-evaluate certain songs and artists so we can have a future that is “more inclusive and more just.” Artists like Don McClain, Elvis, and Eric Clapton. Songs like “Brown Sugar”.

Of course, her op-ed focuses solely on classic rock without any mention of  bad behavior or offensive lyrics in rap or hip hop.

No One Asked For Your Opinion

Hey Jen? No one is asking you to defend the artists you like. This sounds like a personal problem. Neither the artists nor their fans needs you to like or defend The Rolling Stones or The Beatles. They are classic for a reason.

There’s this pernicious strain of “journalism” recently that amounts to “I don’t like this, so it can be in public ever again.”

People like Boylan don’t understand that personal opinions are just that: personal. No one needs nor wants your singular view forced upon them.

Canceling someone for doing something that wasn’t wrong at the time is hypocritical. Should society punish all of us now for our pasts? 


The writer suggests that maybe thus guy should be canceled –

Cat Stevens: aka Yusef Islam, called for the head of the writer Salman Rushdie for writing a book critical of Islam. 

Good point.

Who else should be canceled?

Just pick anyone you don’t care for.

The thing is, why are some successfully canceled because some freaks get together and call for it?

Why does corporate America go along with it?

43 Comments on Transgender NYTs Columnists Says It’s Time To Cancel Classic Rock

  1. He has a personal problem. He thinks he’s a woman.
    Someone can spray glue all over their body, roll in feathers and call themselves a chicken if they want. But they are not a chicken. This guy is just another fucked in the head liberal douchebag. I’m being fair and inclusive to all liberal douchebags.

  2. Speaking of classic… this is the classic “I’m right, it’s the rest of the world that’s wrong” mentality.

    Hey if you can’t handle it, there are plenty of asylums with empty bed space to check into! It’s past time to usher these nut jobs into a psych ward!

  3. Jennifer found his last prostate digital exam not to his liking, so now he’s going to take it out on the rest of the world. If you want a happy ending, you gotta pay, Buckaroo.
    Sorry dude, but you’re still a guy.

  4. “This guy is just another fucked in the head liberal douchebag.”

    They are legion.

    I wish he were driving by when my neighborhood quakes because the Small Faces “Stay With Me” is thundering in my basement so he could be triggered into seizures.

  5. Many years back, Alvin Lee’s Ten Years After had it right. It’s mental illness.
    “Everywhere is freaks and hairies
    Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity?”

  6. That thing obviously swings AC/DC.

    It definitely “Shook NO ONE all night long!”

    How this Came About: She/He/It/Zey/Zir was young at the time…

    “She Got The Jack” from a “Problem Child” who made a “Jail Break”, after “Breakin The Rules”. He wispered to Jennifer “Let’s Get it UP”, “Let me Put My Love Into You”, and “Inject the Venom” from my “Heatseeker”.

    The “Cold Hearted Mam” was free, “Back in Black” and just “Givin the Dog A Bone” Convict didn’t expect a set of “BIG BALLS” during his “Love at First Feel” with this “Squealer”.

    After feeling “Snowballed” & getting told to “Ride On” by a real “Rocker” that served time for “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” Jennifer realized, “It Ain’t No Fun (waiting Round To Be A Millionaire). “Breaking The Rules” she cut off her DICK during a “Night Of The Long Knives”, joined the Radical “Guns For Hire” SJW’s at a liberal Arts College.

    We will never really Know “Who Made Who” , but “Evil Walks”, “Money Talks” and living in a modern “Sin City” it Might get down to “TNT” and “Fire Your Guns” to stay Alive.
    We are definitely “Walking The Razors Edge” as a society.

    Regardless, “Rock & Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution” friends.
    “Have a drink on Me” tonight.
    The world is already on a Highway To Hell”
    And from Conservative Canada “We Salute You”!

    Dixie Chicks
    Lady Gaga
    Green Day

    As for all trannies, I think Ted 2 said it best: “Johnny! They aren’t chicks with dicks! They’re guys with tits!”

    I don’t listen to Crazy and that man at the NY Times stricken with the Gender Dysphoria is the definition of clinically insane.

  8. Someone made an amusing observation about “trans-women” in a column a few weeks back, specifically why they push their mental delusions so hard at the rest of us. They’re men. Aggression with a dab of narcissism are traditional male survival traits, as old as the opposable thumb. Therefore, this behavior means they “feel like men”. Toss that back in their face.

  9. Is is just rock that needs to be cancelled according to this dude? What about rap. I give you ‘Funky Cold Medina’ by Tone Loc:

    So I took her to my crib, and everything went well as planned
    But when she got undressed, it was a big old mess, Sheena was a man
    So I threw him out, I don’t fool around with no Oscar Meyer wiener
    You must be sure that the girl is pure for the Funky Cold Medina

  10. This guy can see the fate of printed news. what he is actually doing is submitting his resume to the Babylon B.

    That or Gen Glover is right in quoting Bugs Bunny. If this is the mindset we are up against it is the worst kind of Tyranny since circa 1920’s & 1930 Italy, Germany & Russia. People like this have no problem putting people like me in death camps for either thought crimes, class crimes, religious crimes or race crimes.

    I will not go down without a fight.

  11. Yeah, lets cancel these tunes because they don’t glorify pedophilia and sexual perversion enough you goddamn freak. I have a better idea, cancel the NY Slimes newspaper, problem solved.

  12. Not “inclusive”? Tell that to Chuck Berry, Little Richard, the Shirelles, the Chantels, and at least two dozen other “POC” classic rock-and-rollers.

    Wank off, ya toff.

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