House passes $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that includes transport, broadband and utility funding, sends it to Biden – IOTW Report

House passes $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that includes transport, broadband and utility funding, sends it to Biden

Friday night, when no one s paying attention.

Here are the six House Democrats who broke from their party to vote against the bill:

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota
  • Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri
  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York
  • Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts
  • Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan

Thirteen Republicans in the House voted with Democrats to approve the bill. They are:

  • Rep. John Katko of New York
  • Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska
  • Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey
  • Rep. Don Young of Alaska
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  • Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
  • Rep. Tom Reed of New York
  • Rep. Andrew Garbarino of New York
  • Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York
  • Rep. David McKinley of West Virginia
  • Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey


  • The House passed a more than $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, sending it to President Joe Biden for his signature.
  • The legislation would put $550 billion in new funding into transportation, broadband and utilities.
  • The bill passed after a last-minute scramble to reach a consensus between progressive and centrists on how to pass the infrastructure package and a larger Democratic social spending plan.

Friday, sending it to President Joe Biden’s desk in a critical step toward enacting sprawling Democratic economic plans.

The Senate approved the revamp of transportation, utilities and broadband in August. The legislation’s passage is perhaps the unified Democratic government’s most concrete achievement since it approved a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package in the spring.

The measure passed in a 228-206 vote. Thirteen Republicans supported it, while six Democrats voted against it. Biden could sign the bill within days.

Washington has tried and failed for years to pass a major bill to upgrade critical transportation and utility infrastructure, which has come under more pressure from extreme weather. The White House has also contended passage of the bill can help to get goods moving as supply-chain obstacles contribute to higher prices for American consumers.

The vote Friday followed a day of wrangling over how enact the two planks of the party’s agenda. The push-and-pull exemplified party leaders’ months long struggle to get progressives and centrists — who have differing visions of the government’s role in the economy — behind the same bills.

Democrats entered the day planning to pass both the infrastructure legislation and the party’s larger $1.75 trillion social safety net and climate package. A demand from a handful of centrists to see a Congressional Budget Office estimate of the social spending plan’s budgetary effects delayed its approval. Progressives sought assurances the holdouts would support the bigger proposal if they voted for the infrastructure bill.

After hours of talks — and a Biden call into a progressive caucus meeting urging lawmakers to back the infrastructure bill — the party’s liberal wing got assurances from centrists that they would support the larger package.

Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said the group reached a deal to back the infrastructure plan in exchange for a commitment to take up the safety-net bill “no later than the week of November 15.” A group of five centrists separately issued a statement saying they would back the Build Back Better legislation pending a CBO score that assuages their concerns about long-term budget deficits.

28 Comments on House passes $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that includes transport, broadband and utility funding, sends it to Biden

  1. How many pages long is the bill?
    How many of those pages haven’t been discussed – and how many of those page include really, really horrendous things that take away our liberties and give money and legitimacy to people who have done nothing legitimate to deserve them?

  2. I hope those R’s will be able to explain why next year the govt will be taxing you for every mile you drive along with all the other bullshit pork.
    Not a single fucking bridge or road will be fixed.
    A very useful freeway in Louisiana will be imploded due to it’s structural racism.
    For fucks sake!

  3. These assholes,
    Rep. John Katko of New York
    Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska
    Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey
    Rep. Don Young of Alaska
    Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
    Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
    Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
    Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
    Rep. Tom Reed of New York
    Rep. Andrew Garbarino of New York
    Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York
    Rep. David McKinley of West Virginia
    Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey
    Yes, those assholes, need to be held accountable. Including that Faggot Adam Kinzger. Ex Mil my ass. Faggot.

  4. Stupid!

    They should have re-instate the Keystone XL, stop sending US Dollars for Oil abroad, opened another port, and finished the southern boarder.

    But that is the REAL President’s Plan

    At least it was not 3.4 Trillion.

  5. “Demise is imminent.” -LocoBlancoSaltine

    In the meantime, it’s continuous, unmitigated, sickening rot of most things “public.” Like our schools, economy, medical profession, media, Congress, military, foreign relations… and last but not least, the thing that’s completely withered and died like a dead skunk cabbage, the Presidency of The United States.

  6. The 13 Repugnantcans that voted for the bill allowed its passage, provided AOC and “the squad” opportunity to symbolically vote against it and still have it pass, and labels it “bipartisan”. Everyone’s a winner — except the taxpayers.

    They should be purged from the Republican Party and/or lose their committee positions.

  7. Just think of all the jobs created.
    Rainbow Unicorn green vehicle charging station installation technician.
    You get paid in biden*coin…

    Me, I’m going to design electric heaters to plug in to these for all the Americans sleeping in their cars.

  8. This bill from what I’m reading is hiring 87,000 new IRS agents, amnesty, natural gas tax that will raise your bill 30% and Republicans voted for it. They can’t claim they didn’t know what was in it, Scalise in his short 3 minutes gave them a huge highlight of what was in it.

    Why doesn’t this damn thing have to go back to the Senate or did the dumbass Republicans in the Senate also vote for this shit?

  9. I hope those R’s will be able to explain why next year the govt will be taxing you for every mile you drive along with all the other bullshit pork.
    Not a single fucking bridge or road will be fixed.
    A very useful freeway in Louisiana will be imploded due to it’s structural racism.
    For fucks sake!

    No, Jeffery, it’s the Demos’ bill and they have to explain it.


  10. Any bets ships will start offloading and trucks will start moving again?
    The Obiden puppet masters are a crime family. It’s how they operate.
    Same as with the CCP shots. Get one or lose your job.

  11. A trillion dollars for infrastructure and none of it will strengthen the grid against emp or space weather. It does strengthen the democrats/deep state grip on power however.

  12. That scumbag Kevin McCarthy who is the so-called leader of the house republicans needs to be removed and kicked out to the republican party. He is a sneaky scumbag who allowed these so-called republicans to side with the communist death democrats and pass this traitorous, American destroying pile of shit. Same for that Chinese prostitute in the Senate Mitch McConnell.

    McCarthy needs to strung up by his nut sack on the steps of the Capitol. Traitorous scum. He is behind this betrayal.

  13. “I bet most of them never even read the bill.”

    I guarantee it! It was written by Soros, Inc. and passed by scoundrels.
    Everyone’s just hoping for some crumbs of “free” shit.
    Another nail in America’s coffin.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. I called all the numbers.
    Thanked them for helping to drive the country into socialism faster than it was going and I hope they’re happy with whatever they were promised while they watch the country go down in flames.
    Some have full voicemail boxes. A couple of phones aren’t picking up.
    I cried for Kinzinger. Told him tearfully I was glad he held the line then stopped crying and told him to enjoy retirement because he wasn’t going anywhere anyway.

  15. For those who need mental help just like the X-files it is out there. For all the doom sayers, no matter how much you wish, rant & cry America is not going to fail. If you don’t like our country, feel free to leave.


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