Dem Strategist – “What went wrong is this stupid wokeness.” – IOTW Report

Dem Strategist – “What went wrong is this stupid wokeness.”

James Carville is right.


JUDY WOODRUFF: What went wrong?

JAMES CARVILE: What went wrong is this stupid wokeness.

All right? Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey. Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis. Even look at Seattle, Washington. I mean, this “defund the police” lunacy, this take Abraham Lincoln’s name off of schools, that — people see that.

And it’s just — really have a suppressive effect all across the country to Democrats. Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something. They’re expressing language that people just don’t use. And there’s a backlash and frustration at that.

And you’re right. Suburbanites in Northern Virginia, suburbanites in Northern New Jersey pulled away a little bit. Youngkin never ran any ads against Biden. And I think what he did is just let the Democrats pull the pin and watch the grenade go off on them.

And we have got to change this and not be about changing dictionaries and change laws. And these faculty lounge people that sit around mulling about I don’t know what are — they’re not working. Look what happened in Buffalo, again, Seattle. I think the Republicans may have won a city attorney’s race in Seattle.

Seattle autonomous zone? Who could even think of something that stupid?

And they’re suppressing our vote. And I have got news for you. You’re hurting the party. You’re hurting the very people that you want to help.

And Terry got caught up. He’s a good friend of mine. He’s a good guy. He got caught up in something national, and we have got to change this internally, in my view.

8 Comments on Dem Strategist – “What went wrong is this stupid wokeness.”

  1. And to what end does Carvile wnat to win? We on the right want to win politically simply to secure our right to govern our own lives and live in a society that fosters free self-governing people.

    People like Carvile never actually articulate what ends they work toward politically. But people like him work to make using the state a top-down means of raw power and when you set something like that up as a political prize you can’t expect anything but the very worst scum of scociety to try and take that raw power of statism and use it for their own devices.

    People like Carvile create the monster and then are horrified to find out it has a life of it’s own.

  2. A stupid mind is a very dangerous thing. That’s why law-abiding citizens have guns.

    Carville has been a deliberate trouble-maker who never matured and grew up. He thinks everybody else is just like him. If that was true, America would just have blown its brains out a long time ago.

    Just encourage him to buy his own gun and let him put himself out of his own misery.

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