Lesbians Accused Of Being Transphobic For Not Having Sex With Transsexuals – IOTW Report

Lesbians Accused Of Being Transphobic For Not Having Sex With Transsexuals


Jennie is a lesbian woman. She says she is only sexually attracted to women who are biologically female and have vaginas. She therefore only has sex and relationships with women who are biologically female.

Jennie doesn’t think this should be controversial, but not everyone agrees. She has been described as transphobic, a genital fetishist, a pervert and a “terf” – a trans exclusionary radical feminist. More

The Boycast tries to make sense out of transphobic lesbians (language warning). Watch

30 Comments on Lesbians Accused Of Being Transphobic For Not Having Sex With Transsexuals

  1. @Uncle Al, in this clown freak world I am certain you would be some phobic or other if you refused to bang anything. 🙄😉 These people have to make up issues and problems

  2. Why in the hell does .00001 percent of the population get 10% of the media’s attention? Put those newly arrived Muslims to work. Put a bounty on weirdos, let the radical Muslims earn their keep.

  3. Wait a minute.
    I would bang a Hot Lesbian with a VJ.
    Does this make me a progressive or am I still a PIG like my wife says?


    Now if we can get just some “TERFs” to help unload those boats in the Harbour, That would be great. Yeah. Thanks.

  4. These men are autogynephiles. Perverts. Sexual predators. Faggots aren’t being pressured to go down on a “dude vagina” but lesbians are pressured to mess around with “lady dicks”. Straight men are also labelled transphobes for not wanting to date “transwomen”.

    The easy solution would be for the trans freaks to date each other. But they don’t want to. Even they know that a chick with a dick is a dude.

  5. Anything to deny the science.
    Biological reality.
    GASLIGHTING to the umpteenth degree.
    And you’ll be forced to accept it, like it, or else your the intolerant one.

  6. @ Kcir – Fuck Off & Unload those Container Ships

    “Now if we can get just some “TERFs” to help unload those boats”

    You might want some van dykes for that!!


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