Ill-Informed Terry Bradshaw Slams Aaron Rodgers and Calls Ivermectin a “Cattle Dewormer” – IOTW Report

Ill-Informed Terry Bradshaw Slams Aaron Rodgers and Calls Ivermectin a “Cattle Dewormer”

31 Comments on Ill-Informed Terry Bradshaw Slams Aaron Rodgers and Calls Ivermectin a “Cattle Dewormer”

  1. I’ve known Terry since good old Woodlawn high school days. Hell of a football player and could throw a javelin the length of a football field. Off the field, he was as dumb as a box of rocks.

  2. Terry is definitely not a Rhoads Scholar and was smart enough to say “football” when God handed out talent and “brain damage” when given a Helmut with propellers on it.

  3. I heard him speak once. He said when people asked why he only ran the same few plays all the time he told them because he ran the plays he could remember. So, ya. Not a brain trust.

  4. If you want decent Football analysis Tony Romo calls a fantastic game. He was so good at the read that they had to tell him not call the plays that were obvious to him BEFORE the ball was snapped.

    If you want the Joe Biden of commentary that is a close call between Joe Buck (the little dumb Fuck)
    Terry Bradshaw who probably also shits his pants between Hard-On Pills and trying to chase/hit on the younger female commentators. Jilian Barberie especially who has currently switched sides and digs ditch.

    God Life is more ridiculous than fiction.

    Regardless, I’m looking forward to watching Green Bay play Kansas City. I don’t like Mahomes. Looks like a closet knob gobbler to me, like his brother.

  5. I quit watching the NFL long before they became the kneel league, when they became the kneel league my husband quit watching them, so their bullshit is never aired in my home.

  6. “I’ll take dumb Pittsburgh quarterbacks for $1,000, Alex”

    “Who started the long line of dumb Pittsburgh quarterbacks, including such luminaries as Neil O’Donnell, Bubby Brister, Kordell Stewart & Ben Rapistburger?”

    “Who is Terry Bradshaw?”


  7. @Freda
    Swine everywhere are properly insulted.
    Hey Terry, penicillin is an antimicrobial for horses too, no penicillin for you.
    Terry the Tard, karma’s a real thing.


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