FBI Raids Project Veritas Writers . . . Over A Missing Biden Diary? – IOTW Report

FBI Raids Project Veritas Writers . . . Over A Missing Biden Diary?

Jonathan Turley-

There is a curious story out this weekend on reported FBI raids of writers or associates of Project Veritas, the conservative investigative journalism outfit. Project Veritas has been described variously as “Gonzo” or “guerilla” journalism and some insist it is more of a political than a press organization. However, it fits the definition of journalism, in my view, and that makes the raids troubling. All the more troubling is the cause: the missing diary of President Biden’s daughter Ashley. [Update: The FBI reportedly also raided O’Keefe’s home]

The New York Times reported that the FBI searched two locations in New York in search of the “stolen” diary that went missing days before the 2020 presidential election. Project founder James O’Keefe questioned how the Times received the story within an hour of the first raid.

O’Keefe says that the organization actually received a tip that the diary was abandoned in a room, an allegation that harkened back to the abandoned laptop of Hunter Biden.  However, Ashley reportedly insisted it was stolen.

The use of the FBI is also reminiscent of the still unexplained use of the FBI when Joe Biden was Vice President to search for a gun owned by Hunter Biden that was discarded behind a restaurant.

Project Veritas decided not to run the story because it could not verify that the diary belonged to Biden. (The FBI may have just offered that confirmation). Instead, it alerted the police, according to O’Keefe: “Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it.”

So why the raids?  Since when does the FBI conducted raids over missing diaries? more

19 Comments on FBI Raids Project Veritas Writers . . . Over A Missing Biden Diary?

  1. The FBI is so thoroughly corrupted I can’t imagine this institution ever recovering. You know that their HR is screening out anyone with the slightest hint of integrity. Rotten, top to bottom.

    Hannity-who I can’t fucking stand-and his there’s only a few bad apples makes me ill.

    And the winkwink they’re apparently giving to the legions of academic, CCP sellout traitors is about the worst. Just amazing.

  2. You raise an interesting point.

    When was the last time the FBI has done anything of note except arrest patriots?

    I can’t recall any recent news of any notable crimes solved, criminals arrested or serial killers found.

    Anyone one else have anything they heard in the last year or so?

  3. FBI has a long history of political motivated assaults on the liberty of the people, under Hoover they did to the left primarily. Obama has inverted the agency and now it serves the establishment left.

    FBI should have its wings clipped and not allowed to conduct independent field operations. They should be limited to supporting local law enforcement only. Federal police are never a good idea. There’s no accountability.

  4. Two possibilities. PV was/is being set-up, or the diary is being used to take down Pedo Joe because he has outlived his usefulness. Or both.

    Also, it is not a crime for journalists to receive stolen documents.

  5. I’d like to think that the FBI is not beyond rehabilitation since the tone and direction set is orchestrated by the Executive Branch.

    I feel the same way about the military (forget the CIA, they have been corrupt from the very beginning. It wasn’t that long ago when folks signed up because of pride, duty, a sense of obligation, even a desire to be a part of a force for good in the world. Not any more. The right commander in chief who hired the right generals, generals that understood the mission, the purpose and the importance of having the most lethal well-trained inspired properly motivated and prepared fighting force in the world, they good kick some ass and turn this limp-dicked pussified pansy good for absolutely nothing woke joke of a military we have now into something truly effective and deadly.

  6. The diary probably was stolen…by the FBI. The one “found” by PV is likely a fake designed to entrap and discredit PV. There are no doubt lurid details in the real diary, which is why the FBI had to get it away from loose cannon Ashley. Now they’ve got PV on the hook, and they’ll show that the “found” diary is an obvious fake. That’s my worst case scenario, anyway. We’ll see.

    The FBI has become nothing but fixers and cleaners. They’re not very good at it, but they don’t have to be.

  7. I am dumbfounded that it is not obvious that the motivation for this raid is that FBI believes that Veritas has people within the FBI ranks who are feeding Veritas info. This raid is an effort to find out who among them is documenting and validating the corruption within the FBI

    The diary bullshit is just pretext

  8. So basically the FBI now has verified the diary is indeed authentic and belonged to Ashley Biden but they choose to raid the reporters that didn’t published it rather than go after the child rapist and incest abuser Joe Biden.

  9. Some people get nervous and poop a lot. Bidens been pooping a lot then we hear about this raid. I think Joe is nervous about what could be in the diary enough to poop in front of dignitaries!

  10. Wray is another big mistake by Don. He was put in charge of the DOJ “anti Reagan Inquisition” as AAG 18 years ago. Wray hates conservatives almost as much as Bush!

    Don should have spent some time checking him out; or Don is not as smart as I think.

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