Ha – Poll (According to the Biased People Talking the Poll) Shows That People Believe “Disinformation” About Covid Shot – IOTW Report

Ha – Poll (According to the Biased People Talking the Poll) Shows That People Believe “Disinformation” About Covid Shot

The Hill, with my comments incuded-

Almost 8 in 10 U.S. adults believe or are unsure of at least one false statement about COVID-19, according to polling data published Monday.

The poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) found that 78 percent of U.S. adults surveyed said they believe or were unsure of at least one of eight false COVID-19 statements that the organization tested.

That includes 38 percent who believe the government is exaggerating the number of COVID-19 deaths (WE KNOW THEY COUNTED PEOPLE WHO DIED WITH COVID AS OPPOSED TO FROM COVID), 17 percent who believe pregnant women should not get the vaccine (THE CDC UPDATED THEIR FINDINGS) and 18 percent who believe deaths caused by the vaccine are being hidden by the government. (This government site is largely dismissed by… the government, and it’s media henchman.)

15 Comments on Ha – Poll (According to the Biased People Talking the Poll) Shows That People Believe “Disinformation” About Covid Shot

  1. Yeah, well…the people who were there knew the exaggerations were just that… and the people who were there also knew the lies (the other lies) took a different tack.

  2. The more truth comes out the less fear mongering the progs can spread.

    I haven’t found it but the hubs said he read an article that says Sweden revised the death count. They separated the with covid deaths and from covid deaths. The deaths from were only around 7500 or so.

  3. If any presstitutes approached me to take a poll, I’d end up in jail. My defense? I was defending myself against their verbal assaults on me. That’d be my story.

  4. Ya well I’ll take that ‘disinformation’ from credible sources than from those monstrous big pharma greed-infested ‘scientists’ and some withered and confirmed pedophile any day.

  5. I commented to someone re: Sweden, because they said Sweden had the most deaths in Europe…which is patently wrong. I had been paying attention to Sweden because of their ‘do nothing’ stance. They’re doing fine! For a tiny Country that was late to the COVID party.

    They just WANT it to be bad for Sweden because Sweden proves that herd immunity can work!


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