NBA to players: Boosters, or else! – IOTW Report

NBA to players: Boosters, or else!

NBA Mandates All Previously Vaccinated Players Must Get More Vaccinated With Mandatory Boosters

CTH– Last week Florida Governor Ron DeSantis noted the feds were likely to move the goalposts, and “fully vaccinated” will shift because never-ending booster shots will become part of the mandate.  The media went bananas claiming DeSantis was spreading a conspiracy theory.

Well, today the National Basketball Association (NBA) has told all previously vaccinated players they are no longer considered vaccinated unless they get a booster shot.

The NBA is now requiring the players to get the booster jab or they cannot play.  The players can pick a booster, any booster, mix-n-match, whatever… but booster they must. more

12 Comments on NBA to players: Boosters, or else!

  1. I’ve come to the conclusion that if the ChiComs could concoct a deadly disease and spread it. And work with our government to develop ‘the cure’ that kills even more. And set up a scenario where people begged government to get fatal jabs for their kids, as well. As well as promote non reproductive lifestyle choices in millennials.
    And faggotize the military at the same time?

    ChiComs will drive into this country, not in tanks, but Limos.

  2. “Well, today the National Basketball Association (NBA) has told all previously vaccinated players they are no longer considered vaccinated unless they get a booster shot.”

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Well, what the fuck did you think would happen? You caved, you did what they wanted, and now they want to push you even further. It’s never gonna end as long as you keep giving in. Morons.


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