Metallurgist admits faking steel-test results for Navy subs – IOTW Report

Metallurgist admits faking steel-test results for Navy subs

SEATTLE (AP) — A metallurgist in Washington state pleaded guilty to fraud Monday after she spent decades faking the results of strength tests on steel that was being used to make U.S. Navy submarines.

Elaine Marie Thomas, 67, of Auburn, Washington, was the director of metallurgy at a foundry in Tacoma that supplied steel castings used by Navy contractors Electric Boat and Newport News Shipbuilding to make submarine hulls.

From 1985 through 2017, Thomas falsified the results of strength and toughness tests for at least 240 productions of steel — about half the steel the foundry produced for the Navy, according to her plea agreement, filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Tacoma. The tests were intended to show that the steel would not fail in a collision or in certain “wartime scenarios,” the Justice Department said. more

h/t joe6pak

32 Comments on Metallurgist admits faking steel-test results for Navy subs

  1. FUR, I love ya. But “You’re posting to God Damn fast so fuck you. Fucking infuriating. I get it. I’m sorry. Just typed a long one. Gone. I’ll calm down now and try and remember to copy and paste. God Dammit.

  2. Fuck her. That shit warrants the death penalty in my book. By her own actions, she put the lives of countless sailors and U.S. national security in peril. There needs to be real consequences for this shit, not just some slap on the wrist.

  3. This seems like treason to me.

    Pin a card to her chest and put a live round in every gun.

    If this type of shit from low level cunts is not prosecuted with full authority, how will our betters know we are coming for them too?

  4. plain & simple Treason … punishable by death … plain & simple

    oh yeah, she ‘plea bargained’ … ok, we won’t let the dogs eat you … we’ll just mercifully hang you in the square … pay-per-view, of course

  5. My son is on a Los Angeles class submarine built during this period.

    This woman should have done to her something at least as bad as what Fauci did to those beagles. I would watch and eat popcorn.

  6. And who knows how many other nefarious actors are in the system. This cunt was caught.

    I sent this to my Brother — he had already seen it, being a NAVY man, and we got to talking about AAVs. My house had nothing BUT an AAV (Studor vent) as the main vent.

    I kept smelling septic tank and checked the traps. Then I went to the attic and found a fucking AAV built as the only “vent”. I cut it off right then and there, and then had to go get a roof boot and cut a hole in the metal roof.

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say is any retard can get you killed.

    This cunt can’t be trusted to do anything but swing by the neck until dead, dead, dead. EVERYTHING she did is now suspect. Millions of dollars, tens of thousands of lives…

  7. “And who knows how many other nefarious actors are in the system. This cunt was caught.”

    Tell me this: how is what she was doing any different in kind from voting to approve a vaccine instead of following the accepted procedures and protocols? She deserves to be prosecuted, but the federal government no longer has legitimacy in oversight of the legalities in scientific testing.

  8. Once the federal government bastardized the process of scientific testing for political expediency, what legitimacy they had in oversight and legitimate legal action went out the door.

  9. By not following the process the results are, must be, suspect. So how is it that the pot has the legitimate authority to call the kettle black when the pot has not followed the accepted process and protocols in testing “vaccines?” I’m not in any way diminishing what she has done, what I am calling into question is the federal government’s legitimacy in claiming legitimacy to judge her actions when they are guilty of the same exact behavior.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

  10. She felt that testing steel to (-100 F) was “stupid” so she falsified the tests.

    That’s the problem with people that never get dirty. They live in a world where they are always 72F and cold to them is 65F

    Throw the bitch into the Barents Sea next to her Friends.

  11. My brother was on 2 subs but in the 80’s & 90’s.
    I guess Portsmouth Naval Shipyard here in Kittery, ME will have some work coming their way.
    I hope the company also fired the execs who made the decision to hide the fraud.

  12. Follow the money. Guaranteed she has an offshore account stuffed full with Chink yuan or yen or whatever those slopehead commies call their Monopoly® Money.

    Probably gets VIP service too on the cheap crap she orders off Wish and Alibaba.

  13. Reminds me of the theory that the metal rivets in the Titanic were of low quality, contributing to its break up and sinking after it hit the iceberg. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

    Military contractors are not the most honest people around. Philip Armour, meat supplier to the Union Army in the Civil War, is said to have sold rotten meat to the army purchasing department.

  14. There are many reasons not to join the Navy:

    1. Who the heck wants to see the shitty world anymore? Go to Paris in your US Navy uniform and get your throat slit by a bunch of crazed izlamo terrorists? No thanks.

    2. You might get ass-igned to the US Harvey Milk. You would never hear the end of the jokes.

    3. Besides, the US Harvey Milk’s inferior hull could be easily penetrated by a fast hard torpedo and quickly go down.

    4. If you get ship-wrecked, the all-queer Navy helicopter crew may be the ones to save your ass — as long as you agree to certain conditions.

    5. Rum ration went out of style at the end of the wooden ship era.

    6. You may have to serve breakfast to that Queer Rear Admiral.

    7. You wouldn’t be in the Navy, the Navy would be in you.

    8. The engine room crew are all Dykes.

    9. You could be assigned to the Latrine Corps and have to clean up spills of bodily fluids infected with deadly microbes.

    It’s the all-gay Navy, fellas!

  15. Sorry folks, I shouldn’t make jokes about such a serious thing. But really, who would want to join the Navy after what’s been happening not just in the last few weeks, but going back as long as this critter has been in charge of metal quality at her company?


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