The left claims the Rittenhouse Trial Judge has a “biased” ringtone – IOTW Report

The left claims the Rittenhouse Trial Judge has a “biased” ringtone

18 Comments on The left claims the Rittenhouse Trial Judge has a “biased” ringtone

  1. “God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood was recorded in November of 1983 and release the following year.

    I imagine that the godless anti-American lefties were totally unaware of the song before President Trump started using it at his rallies. No surprise there.

    It is those who don’t like the song who are the biased ones.

  2. So it happened at least twice – hmmm. Before it even happened the first time, my question would be “Why wasn’t your ringer on ‘silent’ to begin with?”

  3. Thirdtwin – I have no doubt that the Judge doesn’t give a tinker’s damn, but maybe he ought to. Forget the irrational loony left’s reaction. It is very unprofessional to have your phone ring in the middle of a meeting or in this case a court proceeding.

  4. So Kile needs to be guilty because of a ringtone the judg and a lot of Americans have? Got it. I’m guessing that if it was a rap song with a bunch of vile language about Slow Joe’s, “at the time negroes” it would be okay?

  5. They aren’t called the Lunatic Left for nothing.

    Makes my day they are triggered by the MAGA National Anthem.

    I hope the judge doesn’t care. No one should care what the lunatics and communists think about an pro-America song. Didn’t we already go through all this with the Cold War? We won that one and we’ll win this one, too.

  6. Who dafuq is Lee Greenwood? I’m hard of hearing (mostly deaf) so I don’t get to enjoy much background music.
    These people are sick. Sick as in “mad dog” sick.
    This Kangaroo Court should never have taken place, regardless of your political views.
    I guess some people have to pick nits because they have nothing important, or holy, or real in their lives. I know I should pray for them, but DAMN!, they make it difficult!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Brian Behar, as in related to “Joy”?
    Yeah, there’s a source you can be confident in.
    I appreciate their efforts to quell any remorse we might have when we start hanging them with a short rope on the limb of a tall tree.


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