Biden Advisor on Inflation – “We have to get Covid shots to 5-11 year-olds” – IOTW Report

Biden Advisor on Inflation – “We have to get Covid shots to 5-11 year-olds”

14 Comments on Biden Advisor on Inflation – “We have to get Covid shots to 5-11 year-olds”

  1. I’ll be watching the effects of these shots on children and am concerned for their short and long term health. The parents peace of mind might turn to anguish before it’s over.

  2. They are not willing to discuss the “failures” of their policies…because their policies are NOT FAILING: they’re achieving exactly the results intended for them. It’s sheer malevolence hiding behind a veneer of bumbling incompetence and unawareness.

  3. The only thing that these bastards are going to inflate will be more COVID in 5-11 year old kids. These assholes who are proposing this are not only stupid but their intentions are evil. If they can’t get them by aborting them why not give them the the jab at an early age which could possibly render them infertile or worse. Mission accomplished, I hate the left and their evil master Lucifer.

  4. I’m just surprised that this asshole didn’t also tell us that “getting those shots out to 5-11-year-olds is gonna be an effective tool in the war on Global Warming” too!!
    This is nothing more than ritual, shamanistic witch doctory and fear mongering! Let’s just bring all the rhetoric to a boil in the big, bubbling vat of democRAT Bullshit and dance around chanting “Ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang”

  5. To willfully force an at best unknown, at worst very harmful, injection on innocent children is the work of psychopathic criminals.

    Hold little Stephacocculus down and jab him right there on national tv. He is of 5-11 y/o stature.

    MFing dervishes.


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