Nancy Grace Chyron is Despicable – IOTW Report

Nancy Grace Chyron is Despicable

You can say he was a vigilante, by definition. But to say he was a vigilante that “gunned down” people seems to suggest that is what he intended on doing by having a rifle with him.

Ha. The video has been pulled!!!!!

I have to think Fox and Grace feels as if they phukt up with that chyron. If I were Rittenhouse I would sue them.

“Guns Down” is despicable. Whatever you believe, gunned down is not at all what happened. In every case he was the one pursued.

40 Comments on Nancy Grace Chyron is Despicable

  1. They have a segment talking about details of the weapon and clarify that it’s a semi automatic. The very next segment talking to the body language expert, Nancy goes right on talking over the expert and calls it a MACHINE GUN. I really dislike interviewers that are more interested in hearing themselves talk instead of listening to responses from the questions they ask.

  2. Is that her real hair & ‘do? Looks like a “Karen”. Mebbe time for a name change?

  3. Did you listen to the jury instructions? Premeditation can occur up to a split second before the act. So if the jury perceives that Kyle intended to kill a split second before pulling the trigger, he may be found guilty of murder.

  4. Bitch isn’t even a has been. She’s a never was.

    The Judge just dropped the weapons charges in the case. The prosecution has been claiming his AR was an SBR, Short Barreled Rifle. It wasn’t. Lying bastards.

  5. Nasty Graceless knows she can’t get attention unless she scandalizes the headlines.
    Even though she might know better, defaming Rittenhouse is too tempting. Misinformation is her trademark. She’s evil and bat crap crazy.

  6. If the politicians hadn’t forbidden the cops from doing their jobs, this may very well never have happened.
    What’s happening to those pols that created this situation?
    Is no elected official responsible for anything they do anymore?
    And what is the solution to THAT but MORE vigilantism?

  7. Watched some of her crap last night but had to switch channels before I started throwing stuff at the T V. Fat, ugly and stupid are no way to go through life.

    Let’s Go Nancy you maroon.


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