Women’s Tennis Association Demands China Investigate Sexual Assault Accusations Against High Ranking Official – IOTW Report

Women’s Tennis Association Demands China Investigate Sexual Assault Accusations Against High Ranking Official


The WTA Tour on Sunday called on the Chinese government to investigate allegations of sexual assault made by Peng Shuai against a former Chinese vice premier, while also demanding an end to censorship of the former top-ranked doubles player.

Peng, one of China`s biggest sporting stars, alleged on her Weibo social media account on Nov. 2 that Zhang Gaoli, who became a member of the Politburo Standing Committee – China`s top decision-making body – coerced her into sex and they later had an on-off consensual relationship. More

This may seem like a local china story, but it has the potential to cause major regime change over if this scandal is pursued. – Dr. Tar

5 Comments on Women’s Tennis Association Demands China Investigate Sexual Assault Accusations Against High Ranking Official

  1. “Concerns among the global tennis community have grown as Peng has not been seen since the post.”

    Don’t give Biden and his lap dog FBI goons any ideas on how to deal with “sticky” situations.

    Since she has no evidence to back up her claims I’m not sure what the WTA wants the Chinese to investigate.

    On a side note, discounting the specifics of this particular set of events, I’m always amused when I hear guys in their 70’s or older still being able to rip one off from time to time.

  2. @RadioMattM

    The way it was taught to me by an Old Tough Canadian Broad was:

    “Shit in one hand & Wish in the Other, and let me know which hand is fulfilled at the end of the day!”

    w/Helles Lager from Caledon Hills brewing Co. Ontario Canada


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