Bald-Headed Loon Takes Flight on Twitter – Hope She is Sued – IOTW Report

Bald-Headed Loon Takes Flight on Twitter – Hope She is Sued

Across state lines, she says!!! OH MY!.

28 Comments on Bald-Headed Loon Takes Flight on Twitter – Hope She is Sued

  1. One day I’ll tell the story of two defendants that the prosecution called “Cue Ball and Eight Ball” and was almost sanctioned for what he added to the mix. Went on to being a judge who had very few filters.

    Someone should put her in the corner pocket.

  2. How can one be so completely out of touch with reality?

    People are entitled to their own opinions – they’re NOT entitled to their own facts.
    (dead white dude)

    This is delusional on steroids. “Don’t take the brown acid!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m just glad I don’t have to wake up next to that or come home from work to that. What did Churchill say in reply to the lady that told him if he were her husband she’d put poison in his tea? “Madam if you were my wife I’d drink it.”

  4. The comical bald-headed banshee is the type who abuses children, elderly, handicapped, elderly, and animals yet gets all up in faces proclaiming righteousness. laughable stuff.

  5. Affirming BLM? Selectively, of course. Right?

    (All that trouble to differentiate herself and she doesn’t realize how interchangeable and disposable she is to the Left. IOWs, a slave.)

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