“The libs reaction” – IOTW Report

“The libs reaction”

I bet it went something like this—–>

28 Comments on “The libs reaction”

  1. I just switched over to MSNBC, wasn’t sure my cable provider even had that channel,TBH. Dufus Chuck Todd had this raging black civil rights attorney on who managed [shocker] to frame everything through the prism of race and how detrimental it will be for black folks. They can never stop chasing that squirrel.

  2. Yesterday I read something about Matt Gaetz considering hiring Kyle as an intern for his office. Considering that his life has now changed forever, I sincerely hope get receives some good fortune in the near future.

    Now, let’s see what happens tonight in the streets of Kenosha.

  3. @Rich

    Some people amongst the black population and their white Marxist allies have been chasing the squirrel (great metaphor!) for decades. You’d think they would tire of that dead end and develop careers and make an honest living. Some of them are too old to turn it around of course, and will die muttering nonsense about how white supremacy has oppressed them their entire lives.

    I can’t see anything closed to black people these days in business or education, as long as they have the right credentials. The only one that comes to mind is membership in the KKK.

  4. KENOSHA, WI—As the Rittenhouse trial drew to a close, Antifa rioters were preparing their violent destruction of the city. But their plans were quickly foiled as Rittenhouse emerged from the courthouse a free man, AR-15 in hand.

    “The jig is up! Scatter!” cried the terrified commie waifs as they skittered toward shadowy alleyways like cockroaches. “The Rittenhouse has returned! Judgment is upon us! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”

    Rittenhouse then appeared to descend the courthouse steps in slow motion, surrounded by a flock of doves and a heavenly golden light. At the terrifying sight, hundreds of Antifa fairies and murderous pedophiles shrieked in terror like a den of goblins, crawling into various holes and cracks in the earth.

    “Waaaaaaaaa!” Cried the prosecuting attorneys, knowing their career was over forever. “We’re ruined! Ruined by the unstoppable power of Kyle Rittenhouse!”

    Sources say that once Rittenhouse has completed his task of purging the land of evil and wickedness, he will return home to his mother, who confirmed he is grounded for a week.

  5. A real life reaction:

    (warning; the pic of the relatives is enough to tell you everything you need to know about why Huber turned out the way he did, and getting “capped” for it)
    My response would be; if you had raised your brat better, he might be alive now.

  6. Brad – Those idiots murder the truth, then stuff it into a wood chipper with the pieces spewing into a dumpster which they then set on fire! That’s how much they hate the Truth!!

  7. 2 pieces of shit dead.
    Especially that Rosenbaum.
    Held down a screaming 9 yr old and anally raped him.
    I don’t care if he DID do time, he would have NEVER done enough time for me.
    Thanks, Kyle! 👍👍

  8. This just in:
    Rittenhouse, Sandmann Agree To Share Joint Custody Of CNN

    ATLANTA, GA—With Rittenhouse found “not guilty”, media outlets across the country are preparing for costly defamation lawsuits after a year of calling him a white supremacist.

    With CNN already half-owned by Nick Sandmann, the famous fake news organization will soon be giving the other half of its ownership over to Kyle Rittenhouse. The two have agreed to share joint custody.

    “We would like to announce that our clients have come to an agreement to share custody of CNN,” said Sandman and Rittenhouse’s legal teams. “Sandmann will have custody on weekdays, with custody transferring over to Rittenhouse on holidays and weekends.”

    After the announcement, Rittenhouse began weeping upon realizing he was now a multimillionaire, while Sandmann smirked like a big MAGA hat-wearing jerkface.

    Neither party has decided what to do with Brian Stelter, who may have to be put up for adoption.

  9. Just when I thought America had lost its mind. There are still Americans that honor the words and the objectives of the US Constitution. A Constitution that thousands have died defending and faithfully believed in till their end. May God continue to bless and watch over the USA.


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