Instant Justice at Barbershop – IOTW Report

Instant Justice at Barbershop

ht/ jd hasty

28 Comments on Instant Justice at Barbershop

  1. BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM! DRT, just like that!

    I have no tears for the shooter in the wife-beater. For the off duty cop that was a righteous shoot: He stopped the threat right damned NOW.

    As for the dead barber, I feel just a bit bad that I’m reserving judgment until I know what the beef with the other dead guy was all about. Barbershops have a reputation for being places of business having nothing to do with haircuts.

  2. @ Uncle Al

    The LEO was ordering wife beater shirt to stay down at the time, so I assumed (and hope he was feeling it) he was still at least twitching, and I was referencing aiming higher in relation to the impact zone, not floor height.

    But if the LEO put down a POS for good then I am happy either way.

    Not sure how they are going to spin the LEO being a White supremacist though.


  3. Wow, if I saw that video correctly, the cop came within a hair’s breath of being shot by that nigger. I can’t imagine the adrenaline that was flowing in his veins. Helluva good shot…by both shooters.

    p.s. I don’t use the term “nigger” lightly or freely. It is reserved for the worst of the scum of that race, just as white trash is for whites.

  4. I love a happy ending, except the barber was killed. It is to bad the customer didn’t catch the threat before the murder.

  5. @ stirrin the FJB Pot NOVEMBER 19, 2021 AT 8:06 PM

    My Amazon guy, Eddy, came by Friday with a hitch lock for my little RV. He said he was late because he had been up on a porch making a delivery and a car came up and parked at the house by his van. When he walked by three who guys got out of the car and said to him: How’s it going brother? Then get this Dan, them niggers robbed me. Ya’ know I am so fucking sick of this fucked up BLM shit and the stupid white bitches with their fucked up BLM signs in their yards telling these niggers that they can go ahead and rob anyone they want and ain’t shit anyone is going to do about it. Those motherfuckers shoved their way in my van and robbed my ass and the dirty motherfuckers acted like it was their right.

    FWIW, Eddy is black.

  6. That LE needs some serious AF training. He’s worried about the door, then the perp he just stitched, then the door, then the perp, then the door. HEY dumb ass, back the fuck up and put the dead guy between you and the door. This is elementary shit. By the way,time for a tactical reload dumb shit. Top it off. Weak shit.

  7. I watched a little closer. The guy with the gun comes in.The hairdresser is standing with her arms around the cop. The guy shots woman cop shoots husband/boyfriend. I want to see it in slow motion and added pixels to make sure I’m right!!

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